

i recently posted a question on here about a audio setup for my gym, i had found certain things i needed on ebay but missed out on most of them.

so what i have is 6 speaker wires put in downstairs and 4 upstairs, so a total of 10 speaker locations.

so i am in the uk and want to spend about £1500 max, please can you post me a setup for under this?

all i am trying to do is be able to change the volume upstairs, maybe a volume control up there or something at the reception and maybe be able to change the volume of the 6 speakers down stairs, these could be chaged in pairs though if easyier.

so as i am a complete begginner to audio i would just love a shopping list, you need this, this and this and a few tips on what to do and i will be so geatfull.

all the speaker wires for all 10 locations go back to the reception, and as i might have a young lady or man on reception it would be nice if changing the volume in areas was simple.

hopefully someone can help and i can get everything ordered. secondhand things could even be an option if you think they do the job.

thanks loads



Get a pro installer. You are looking way past $2000-2300 (USD)

  • RBHsound.com
  • BlueJeansCable.com
  • SVS Sound Subwoofers
  • Experience the Martin Logan Montis