Interesting. Hopefully it works and it becomes a widely available option.
In some movies the majority of the dialog is reasonably clear but it is extremely muffled in some scenes. Cranking the center volume is not a great solution in these cases. If the dialog boost really does selectively boost only the muffled dialog it would be a nice option.
It will be interested to see how it does with dialog that is intentionally muffled.
This is just my opinion, but it would be nice if the studios would increase the dialog level in the streaming mixes at the time they are created. I suspect the vast majority of those streaming do not watch at full volume on high end systems, and the streaming audio is compressed so it's going to suck regardless. How many people are going to think "Gee, it's really annoying that I could understand what Bane was saying. I sure wish the dialog was muffled and unintelligible like it was when I saw it at the theater"?