Sorry for the late reply. Welcome. I think I'm the only guy here who uses reel to real tape machines.
I have four hooked up in the rig at present. I have a Revox A700, a Brenell MK 6 a late model with parabolic tape path and a couple of Revox A 77 a MK III and a MK IV.
I also have dbx 1, dbx II, and Dolby B decoders, that are free standing.
If you have any particular questions please ask. When you take delivery of an older machine, you should have it professionally set up, to adjust EQ, bias and head azimuth alignments. Those parameters tend to drift. Record bias should be set for a particular brand of tape, and then stick to it. Every brand and each of their various offerings all have unique bias characteristics. So that is why you bias for one particular tape.
What are you intending to use that machine for?