Hey all ---
So my TSC 100-110 is dying, and I need a replacement. It was roughly $125 when I bought it, and I'm looking to keep the price in a similar range... since once I really dialed in the TSC, it worked very well in my small room.
Unfortunately, I've been unable to locate any of the old spec sheets for the 110, since TSC went out of business, their website dumped all the spec sheets... so it'll be hard to compare on a tech level, unless somebody can help dig up that old info.
Anyway, I know, I know... I should increase my range to $250-400 and get a better mid-level sub... but I really can't right now. Just bought a $2,000 TV and the wife will murder me if spend much more money. Plus, the room is so small, and I have two children under 4... so the opportunities to really enjoy a sub's full potential are few and far between.
Right now --- I've got a list of a few subs that I'd really like to get some input on.
Dayton 10" (Sub-100) --- $89 (free shipping)
Monoprice 12" -- $85 plus shipping
This Dayton says it goes down to 25hz...
Dayton 12" (Sub-1200) --- $129 (free shipping)
I think BIC makes good subs in the budget range, IIRC... but I can't dig any up right now.
Any other suggestions or comments on the subs I listed? One thing I would prefer is Down-Firing, since my 1.5yr old boy is known to destroy things. Seems having the woofer hidden under the box would be a good idea.