Thanks. Actually, brian32672 was most helpful with some advice and affordable pricing to boot! Here's what he recommended ...
What is your budget. On a quick search I found this 12 channel amp, and volume can be set on each pair of speakers. Made by Phoenix Gold. Here is a link. Selling for 499.00 and valued at 1100.00 There are 8 channel amps that can be had for about 299.00 but I thought this was a bargain. Here is the link.
BTW, with that 6 channel amp I sent you, and you decide you want 8 speakers. Well for a restuarant you will not need to blast the sound. So you could use 2 sets of speakers that are 16 ohms for the front main channels (wired in series) which would only see a 8 ohm load. However those 4 would have the least amount of volume control. What you will need for each set of speaker is a L-Pad controller. You can get these at Radio Shack for about 8.00 a piece.
So it would not be a problem to run that 6 channel amp with 8 speakers. Use all the other speakers as 8 ohms. Heck I think that amp could easily handle a 4 ohm load. So you would not hurt it in anyway possible.