Advice needed for outdoor music setup



I'm hoping to get some advice on the right speakers to install on a boat dock. I am new to this forum, so if there is an FAQ that covers this somewhere I apologize in advance.

Current stereo inside is a Best Buy brand home theater (5:1 speakers that get plenty loud enough indoors). I input both an MP3 player and a satellite radio receiver and would like to be able to listen to these on my dock, about 100 ft from the living room stereo. I'm willing to spend a few $100 to get this right, but don't want to replace everything I already own.

A Few facts and thoughts:
Dock has protected downstairs area and fully exposed upper deck. I'd like speaker(s) on both levels, but exposed area is REALLY exposed (20" of rain in 1 day in last week's Texas flood).

Volume-need to be able to hear the music over the boats driving by in the backgound. Not sure if this means I need powered speakers since my stereo system is fairly whimpy...

Wired vs wireless? I can run wires and/or power to the speakers if needed. Wireless seems like a good idea because I would worry less about the weather, but how loud do they get and is the sound quality good enough? (I am no audiophile, but I know crappy sound when I hear it)

Audio output vs speaker out ports - I have both on the home theater unit. What is the difference? The speakers that came with the system have fixed wires that plug into the 5 ports, but I also have audio out ports. Which would I use to send music outside?

Volume control on the dock - any simple way to have volume control at the speaker instead of having to walk inside (indicating my true laziness)?

Any advice or links to previously posted info is greatly appreciated - Thanks


Audioholic Overlord
you're gonna need a bigger boat.

I've always loved that line.

Seriously, you're better off taking your existing HT system out of the equation and starting fresh with this new app in mind. To do what you want it'll cost, perhaps more than a few hundred dollars.

Do you have power run to the docks? A separate system there, obviously weather protected, would make better sense.

If you need some sources from the HT system, small, decent, relatively inexpensive FM transmitters will allow you to send a signal to a FM tuner/receiver on the dock setup.

Are you still game?
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Gimpy Ric

Gimpy Ric

I agree with everything markw said :) If you run 120v AC to the boathouse, you could put in an inexpensive reciever from a big chain store. Buy a cheap cd player, four bookshelf speakers (two indoor, two outdoor). 75 watts per channel driving four speakers should be loud enough to drown out those pesky jet ski engines ;)

Reciever - $80.00

CD Player - 83.00

Indoor Speakers - $90.00

Outdoor Speakers - $150

Of course, you can skip the indoor speakers if you want. And you can put a sub in the protected area if you need more bass. Good luck and have fun :)


Thanks for your initial ideas...I never considered starting fresh with a new receiver.

But - although I DO have power on the dock, my "boathouse" is actually a storage closet and usually full of dripping wet ski gear. I could probably build a small cabinet to protect a receiver and could then connect to weather-resistant speakers. I like this idea because it gives me volume control where I need it, but I'd still have to figure out how to get the satellite radio transmitted from the receiver inside out to the dock. Can an FM transmitter like markw mentioned send a signal ~ 50'? The only ones I've ever used have been inside a car (<5').

What about fully exposed areas? Are outdoor speakers like these any good? I need something that can either survive full sun and drenching rain or use some type or portable wireless setup that I can stow when the weather turns bad.

If the general consensus is that wireless speakers are crap, then I guess I could get a second pair of weather resistant speakers and mount them for easy removal, just leaving the wires exposed when it is time to abandon the lake and go back to work.

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