call your insurance company, My friends son spilt a super size sprite down the console of his 750li when it was 3 month out of warranty, it burnt out some digi pack thats inside there and the car needed to be towed from mcdonalds parking lot, the insurance co paid for everything, parts, labor, tow, everything..
I personally would just replace the faceplate...
Chevy Corvette Navigation Touchscreen LCD Screen Faceplate for Nav Radio | eBay
Another option is getting an interface kit {ebay for 50 to 150} then picking a deck unit that will fit your dash opening, I would go to a vette forum to see what others have done, I would imagine in that big opening you can fit a full double like the alpine w940 which can be found for $400 or so...
The best option is to get a new vette
06 is almost 10 years old now!!! and the 14's are sexy...