So I have decided to get a new subwoofer only to find out that my reciever which is a pioneer elite does not EQ below 65.
I decided to look into this matter and maybe try to find a solution for this and decided to play around with the manual EQ of the reciever.
I went to Manual EQ -> Standing wave.
I found 3 lines on the graph which are blue,red, and yellow, and saw there were dips and peaks in "Main", "Center", and "SW" (subwoofer).
I left everything alone except the "ATT" and lowered the trim level so that all lines (Red,Blue,Yellow) were "Flat".
After doing this, I noticed considerable boost in mid-bass and low frequencies improved a little bit as well. I am not sure what I am doing is right, but my current 5.1 it sure does sound a bit better overall.
I was wondering if there were any MCACC experts here that knows more to this? Are there any other settings in "Manual EQ" that I should look into to further boost my subwoofer calibration as well as my speakers?
When I go into the "Standing wave" in manual MCACC, there are other labels within the chart that I can override.
SO far, there are "Freq", "Q", and "ATT". I just messed with the "ATT" and made all lines flat...