Hello. Currently I own an Adcom GFA-555ii power amp. I've been researching new amplifiers to upgrade and there are so many good ones out there. I've been running it with the compatible GFP-555 preamplifier. After much consideration, I realize that I really enjoy my Adcom amplifier and I've never had a problem with it except replacing some of the fuses. Couple that with Adcom has a trade-in program it offers, I decided I want to continue with Adcom. I want to purchase a new set of tower speakers, but the model of the brand I want will depend on several factors. So I have two options: I could purchase the 555se or buy the more powerful 585se. I'm considering pairing the amp with a Vincent hybrid tube preamplifier. My first question is, besides the fact that the 585se is more powerful, can anybody tell me how they differ sonically and disregarding price, why should I choose one over the other? Second, I'm considering Vincent only by reputation but I've never experienced this brand before. Can anyone tell me about Vincent, would you recommend it to use with Adcom, and which preamplifier should I consider as the best fit with the Adcom? Price is not a factor.