Active studio monitors or computer speakers?




I've been lurking here for a while and appreciate all of the great audio info you all have provided.

I am seeking advice about computer audio. I have the standard Logitech 5.1 speaker setup and an M-Audio sound card now, but want to upgrade to better sound. I am considering buying "active studio monitors" to replace my cheap plastic computer speakers. I have never heard a "nearfield" monitor before, and I am wondering if they are suitable for listening to CD's on a computer. I do not record live music or do anything that would technically require a studio monitor. I just want better sound than I have been able to get from the typical Logitech and Klipsch multimedia speakers.

I am considering a 2.1 setup with Mackie (Tapco S5) active monitors, or maybe KRK VTX w/ KRK subwoofer...

My question: Is it wise to use studio monitors for listening to music on a computer, or would I be wasting my money?

I have done some research and I am aware that active monitors are geared toward a "warts and all" very flat, true response. I just don't know how the typical CD would sound without the speaker coloration I'm accustomed to.

Thanks for any advice and for your patience.



Audioholic Jedi
"Studio monitors"

The handle studio monitor is a moniker put on the speaker by the manufacturer. I would certainly not give the lofty designation "studio monitor" to either of those speakers.

For good studio monitor we are usually talking around $20,000 per pair and up.

Getting really good sound from a computer is possible, but takes a little work.

Always listen to a speaker first, or at least make sure you can return them if they are not to your liking.

The Mackie's look as if they will bore a whole in your head! I should think being up close to those sectoral horns would likely be very unpleasant.

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