I've been reading like a fiend and I'm pretty excited about building a cabinet, but I haven't seen much about what drivers are made well enough for HT. I see hundreds of woofers on ebay and 99% look like they were yanked from some Joe's trunk.
Anyway, I've been considering an AE AV15-H:
Driven by a Behringer EP2500:
And for aesthetic reasons I'd like to go with a down firing sealed compartment similar to the Rubix project (less flashy of course), but according to Win ISD I would get much better LF response with a ported system. Should I modify the Infinity Kappa sticky to my dimensions?
#1 Question: What can I read to learn exactly how to calculate the volume and port size that is best for my build... or are Win ISD's numbers good enough? (I entered AE's data into Win ISD since it was too new to be in their database)
Thanks much!