A visit to home theater store and the B&W 705's impressed!



Audioholic Overlord
While my fiancee watched High school musical at our local theater. I went and demoed B&W's at home theater store.

The room. Was dampened completely. Though no chamber it was adequate for a good demo.

B&W 705 2-Way Vented-Box System

These where without a doubt the best speakers in the store. They are incredibly low distortion and were the ones I was thinking about later that day. They were good enough for me to buy. That's saying alot for me because I've sworn myself to the DIY tradition. (no worries I'll be sticking to that tradition)

I can say the speakers weren't boom and they had a very clean treble register. If you have ears like mine you love clean music. These where very clean In my opinoin.

B&W 683 3-Way Vented Floor Standing Speaker


These speakers just flat out stunk. They were very boomy and the boom was so bad it distorted the midrange making the sound very muddy. While adequate for home theater. These have no place in any of my listening setups. With the 1500 dollars a pair cost I think you can do a lot better.

B&W 684 2 1/2 Way Vented Floor Standing Speaker

These where much better towers with a cleaner sound. However I'm not a fan of their aesthetics and compared to the 705's it's no contest. The 705 is the winner hands down.

In fact I'll spare you my thoughts on all the other speakers. If your unable to listen (which you should always go do!) The 705's are very good speakers.

They had a 20% special on them which I think is a good deal. Plust you can get the matching vertical bookshelf online.

so how do they compare to my own speakers?

Favorably, but my bias towards my creations makes me still prefer them.

However if I had the funds I'd add these to a nice bedroom setup. They are speakers every body should get a chance to hear at some point.


Very interesting observations. I am very interested in hearing this speaker. What other speakers did you listen to in the store that the 705 compared favorably to?

I find it very intriguing that you found the 700 series speaker to be so terrific, yet you thought the 600 series speaker to be terrible.


Audioholic General
I've heard the smallish floorstanders in the 700 series......the exact model escapes me 702?, but they were really good. Really good. Kind of smallish, but the sound was spot on. Midrange and treble were just amazing. I would love to own the bookshelves........or would die to own some 805's. Nothing but good things do I hear about the 800 series.......

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