Apparently, the 'antique' media wants to cover up stories like this because of their pro-ILLEGAL ALIEN agenda. I cant seem to find a link anywhere offering the details of this man.
I saw a segment about this Illegal Alien on the Bill O show. Apparently, this illegal alien has been convicted 14 times of crimes(many violent crimes like assault & battery, robbery..etc, etc)
Each and every time, this illegal alien has sat before a Democrat judge, got a slap on the hand, and was set free without being deported. One of the democrat judges alone has presided four times over this man all by himself!!!
..............and now this?? As far as Im concerned, those judges now have blood on their hands because two people are now dead because of their incompetence.
It's sad how the 'antique' media chooses which news is newsworthy, and which is not based on their own personal agenda.
Americans everywhere should be outraged by this story!!!!