A REVIEW! Insignia IS-HC040917 receiver from Best Buy



Audioholic Overlord
Well first the good news. I got the receiver earlier than expected and was able to review it sooner for those who might like to get one for x-mas. I applied for Best Buy's credit card and I got it, yea! So I used the credit card knowing that I wouldn't likely keep this receiver as I was only wanting to review it.

So on with the review. I has all the makings of a good receiver, good power supply (toroid), decent caps (10,000uF Topcoms), and nice output devices (Toshiba).

Now to crap on the parade. The auto-protect is way to sensitive or this is just a poorly integrated piece of equipment. My Magnavox receiver with crap power supply, puny 4700uF caps and the cheapest IC output decice ever concieved would walk all over the Insignia in output.

It does have a hiss, but it is not very bad. You have to stick your ear up to the speakers to hear it. And when you adjust the volume it does make a clicking noise, but I have had lower end Onkyo receivers that have louder clicks.

It sounds good at lower volumes and it sounds good when you turn it up. The only thing that may distract you is when the amp turns on and off while you are playing music at what I consider slightly above easy listening levels.

For fun I took the unit apart after I was playing it at above easy listening levels. There are fans on the bottom of the heatsink, they never turned on. I checked the tranistors for heat, they were not hot they were barely warm.

My personal recomendation, DO NOT BUY THIS RECEIVER! It isn't even worth the money.


Audioholic Overlord
I returned the receiver, and replaced it with an late 80's Fisher Integrated amplifier. It has these wattage output meters on it. When I turned it up to the same level as the Insignia when it started crapping out it was showing about 3-5 watts RMS. The Fisher has some raw power to though, that I wouldn't expect any receivers that Best Buy has to compete with it in stereo operation in terms of sheer power.:D
no. 5

no. 5

Audioholic Field Marshall
Seth=L said:
I returned the receiver, and replaced it with an late 80's Fisher Integrated amplifier.
I'm guessing a swap made at Best Buy ;)
Seth=L said:
It has these wattage output meters on it.
a bit like McIntosh? I've always wanted a amp like that, what's the modle number?
a real shame to hear that about the Insignia though, but at that price Yamaha, pioneer and Onkyo have somthing to offer.
thanks for the review, and for doing it so soon. :D


Audioholic Overlord
no. 5 said:
I'm guessing a swap made at Best Buy ;)

a bit like McIntosh? I've always wanted a amp like that, what's the modle number?
a real shame to hear that about the Insignia though, but at that price Yamaha, pioneer and Onkyo have somthing to offer.
thanks for the review, and for doing it so soon. :D
If it wasn't for Best Buy's credit card I wouldn't have been able to do it so soon. I guess I got lucky there.

The Fisher is an oldy. I actually sold it some time ago, but I missed it so I bought it back.:D The Model is CA-885, you won't find much on the net about it accept for how much it cost new and my Threads that coment about it.:D
no. 5

no. 5

Audioholic Field Marshall
I found one sold on ebay, and one of your threads about it.
people don't seem to care about old stuff online, I found that out when I looked for passive radiators for a old set of speakers I have.


Audioholic Overlord
no. 5 said:
I found one sold on ebay, and one of your threads about it.
people don't seem to care about old stuff online, I found that out when I looked for passive radiators for a old set of speakers I have.
Well heck, I care they should just give all the old stuff they don't want to me.:D

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