If you notice the thread I started here recently regarding diffusers vs absorbers, you will notice that diffusion needs more "space" to work.
A main issue with the bare wall so close to your ears is that the reflection arrives so quickly that it appears as what they call "smearing". This is not to speak of muddy bass issues.
7 ft is the midpoint of your room (not good), if you are sitting lengthwise in the room (lengthwise being the better setup). Try 5.38 ft from the back wall, if its feasible, for then you would have achieved 38% room length for listener positioning. Its what is recommended for the starting point, with just slight variation depending on the room.
edit: I'd go for aborption if you have "flutter echoes" (not sure what that is, but guessing). Try first reflection points on sidewalls, rear wall, ceiling, and perhaps some on the front wall for good measure.