UFObuster said:
1) is it worth it to employ the 7.1 back channels from the 2600? Will I notice enough real sound improvement or am I just getting better bangs, pops, and crashes in movies?
2) I have a pair of left over DefTech bi-polar surrounds from the old Pro-logic days (before DD and DTS). They are rather small and not "full spectrum" sound speakers. Do I need to get full range speakers for the 7.1 backs?
3) option: I also have a left-over DefTech center channel, full range speaker (matches the old BP-6 towers). Would I be better off using it in a 6.1 configuration in the back (mono back) instead of #2 above?
4) I know...spending some more is the real answer but not for now...
Comments? suggestions?
1) Yes, and yes. The 6th (or 7th) channels are for effects "better bangs, pops, and crashes" etc. There are only 100-150 good 5.1+ dvds out there, and how many are you going to own? I find it most evident in Pearl Harbor when the planes are 500' behind you, then the sides move them screaming right past you. Or similarly, in Gladiator when the catapult is engaging, then soaring behind you, until the side channels pass the ball. You get the gist. The 6th (or 7th) channels add more spaciality to the effects, making you feel more like in the ring (Pearl Harbor), on the front (Gladiator), or standing in the middle of the pod race (Star Wars).
2) No. The fuller spectrum the better, but low extension down to 60hz (or even 80hz depending on the quality of your system), is acceptable. Again, the back channels only play effects, and a good sub carries the bass.
3) Trial and error. Sound is funny. Your personal tastes in your setting with your equipment will tell you what sounds best. Noone here can tell you what sounds best in your theater from their keyboard.
Trial and error, and then testing with some good 6.1 or 7.1 soundtracks (Pearl Harbor, Gladiator, Star Wars, Titanic, etc), for proper placement and tweaking. Enjoy!