I've got to get the TV situation down in the next couple of weeks. I was set on the Samsung either the Lamp or LED 61" but the 6176S has a lot of issues with screen bowing that I've confirmed on several sets I've looked at. The LED 6787S has yet to have a decent review. It seems that the picture, while great in the sweet spot, is not very bright, and degrades rapidly as you move off center.
So here's where I am:
Samsung: coming out with new sets in April and May. Do I wait? I don't know if they've addressed the defective screen issues or not since they have yet to even acknowledge the problem. Even the guy at BB said he's seen a ton of returns on the 6167.
Mitsubishi Diamond: The 65833 looks to be an amazing TV. It looks great and the picture seems great as well. No bowing that I can tell and the forums seems to be pretty positive.
Toshiba: The 65HM167 looks to be a great TV as well and is a couple hundred dollars cheaper than the Mits.
So... I"m trying to find the inside story. All the talk surrounds Samsung, but both Mitsubishi and Toshiba seem to have fine DLPs. Are there specific reasons that these to don't garner the attention? Are there issues or are they jsut not as good as the Samsungs? Could really use some solid advice here. Right now I'm kinda leaning towards Toshiba. I just kind find a lot of good reason though to pick one over the other. Thanx in advance.