If you look around, many, many people are saying goodbye to Cable and go with Roku or other streaming devices. The price for Cable has gotten out of control. They all push you towards Triple Plays. (combines TV, Hi Speed Internet, home phone lines. Not really a bargain. They constantly raise the price after so much time. We sort of decided to switch. I put up a big HD Antenna system on a telescoping pole 25' above my roof. You get great Hi Def local channels that are free. I bought 2 Roku's to experiment with. One is a Roku stick; the other is a Roku 3. We experimented with just a few streaming apps. We have Netflix and two others. You get a ton of things to watch, with no contracts for about $7.99/ month. Not bad.The problem is that when push came to shove, my wife could not get with the program. I wanted to get rid of Verizon's TV service & the Home phones. I would then go with Ooma phone service (much cheaper & excellent sound quality). It turns out she held on tight to the TV service and did not want to give up the home phone either. Great, now I am paying more. Sometimes you just can't win.