I have a Marantz SR614. I need it to do 5.1.4.
I just saw a video where it says I can't do it unless I don;t use rear speakers.
Is that true?
You would think i could set up a 7.2.4 ? Please help. Thab=nk You
I assume you actually have a SR6014.
You can't use the rear surrounds. You can use rear speakers. It has internally, 9 channels of amplification. So, that is enough for 5.1.4 setup.
Few manufacturers put more than 9 channels of amplification into their receivers that are capable of 11 channel audio processing. This means you can add an external amplifier to get those extra two channels. Often, people get a good separate amplifier to run their main left/right speakers, and use the internal 9 channels of amplification for the rest of the speakers.
How you set it up it up to you and it should be detailed in the owner's manual.