OK, this is going to be quite a weird question- I tried googling my predicament, but due to the obscurity of what I'm asking, I didn't get too much results.
Pretty much, this is my story:
After upgrading to a new TV and sound system, my parents discarded their old sound system. I salvaged the receiver, and hooked it up to 4 old Sony boombox speakers (surprisingly, they gave quite good sound despite being cheap and old). Then, some time later I visisted my uncle, who also upgraded his sound system awhile back, so he unloaded two Sony tower speakers and matching satellites. Pretty much, I have the fixings for a surround system
Seeing as I'm a student and have no job, I want to ideally set this up without spending any additonal money, but if I must, I must. Basically, I want to use the two tower speakers as stereo, the 2 satellites as surround speakers, and as the center speaker- the 4 boombox speakers.
While the speakers are all Sony, I doubt they're matched whatsoever, but considering my goal (and that I'm still shocked I got all of this for free), I'm willing to experiment and try stuff out.
My main question regarding this is, will it work? I know 4 speakers would put a big load on the receiver, and while I'm experimenting with the receiver and speakers, I don't want to do something that will jepoardize the safety of the receiver.
Basically, is what I'm doing safe? And, if so, will it sound remotely good?
Also, are there any better alternatives, taking into account my inventory?
Thanks in advance