Gary S.

My 2.5 year old 360 Pro quit about 3 weeks ago. No red rings, no error code. I was playing Oblivion and 30 minutes into the game I got some strange colors on the screen. So, I shut it down and waited for about 10 minutes. Turned it back on but all I got was a blue screen. I get a message on the screen that the projector is not receiving a signal. I checked the component cables to make sure they were properly plugged in on both the pj and the 360. Everything is fine in that respect. According to Microsoft I would need to send it in for repair. I declined due to the fact that the warranty has expired and I really don't want to spend $110 for a 1 year extended warranty on a 2.5 year old machine. I been thinking getting an arcade model since they just about seem to be the only ones that you can guarantee gettting the Jasper chipset with. I know it has no hard drive and that brings me to the question. Can I just take the hard drive off the one I have now and put it on the arcade? Sorry if this seems like a stupid question, but I don't alot about this particular type of thing. :confused:


Audioholic Spartan
Yes, you can use your hard drive on an acrade model, it will work just fine.

Gary S.

Great. Thanks for the quick response. Now I can save myself $100! :D
UH Matt

UH Matt

Junior Audioholic
your gpu my be acting up and since you are looking to buy a new box anyways look up how to fix th e74 error online and try the fix for that. you might be able to fix it.


Audioholic General
I can tell you definitely that you can just slap your existing HD on to an Arcade. That's what I did. I got the 3 rings but didn't want to hassle with sending it in.



You can absolutely do it. In fact, I've done it three times!

Yes, I've owned three Xboxes. I finally just bought a back-up to play while I send my main one in for repairs. Until recently, there was actually a box you check on the repair website for expedited repairs if you've sent in your Xbox 3 or more times!

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