Ok, here is my dilemna... I bought an HDMI cable for my 360 (thank you monoprice). I hooked it up but the connector it too fat and blocks the hdmi port. (Thanks Microsoft, of course you didn't do this on purpose) So I figured I would get creative. I went to game stop and purchased an a/v cable for $10 that had the optical out that I needed for the 360 (I don't have an hdmi receiver). That, I figured, would be the only way could get 5.1 sound since I don't have an hdmi receiver.
So I Dremmel tooled this thing down to where it and the hdmi cable would fit nicely, and they did. Here's the kick in the pants... When I plug in the modified optical device, it downgrades my picture to 480i. I go to the 36o dashboard and select the "display" icon. To my surprise, it doesn't list any HDTV options (before it gave me the option of 480p, 720p, or 1080i) Now it gives me a list as such:
1024x768, etc....
When I try to choose, the highest I can get is 720p. I REFUSE to pay Microsoft $50 for the Optical/RCA Audio adapter that comes with their crappy HDMI cable. I've googled but haven't had luck with my particular problem.
Anyone know what I could try? Sorry for the long windedness and thanks in advance for any advice.