I've noticed that 3.5mm cords are extremely unreliable for me. Very soon after a purchase of one I will notice that the cord must be twisted around to pick up both of the channels. It seems like the left channel will go out unless the cord is fiddled with a lot until it gets into just the right position. This does not occur when it is first purchased. I need to ask, is this an inherent problem with 3.5mm cords? Am I just buying cheap cords that are pieces of crap?
I haven't had a cable go bad in decades, unless it was yanked, bent, shot, burned, stabbed and run over.
What is it plugged into, on both ends. I have seen 3.5mm
jacks go bad, usually from having the cable yanked to one side, though. I have bought them form Parts Express, Radio Shack, Best Buy and other suppliers but I don't remember the last time a cord went bad, other than the one on my headphones and that was my fault.