<font color='#000000'>You have to see this stuff to belive it! I'm going to HK.
By: Danny Tse
"***Just click on the various "bottoms" and the virtual elevator will take you to a different floor***
This is the Tin Chi Building in Hong Kong. There's 21 floors and almost each floor is occupied by a stereo/home theater dealer. The webpage is in traditional Chinese, but even if your computer can't decode the language, just check out the pics. Quite a range of equipment displayed....from Onkyo receiver (in gold color) to Energy Encore system, from Krell mono blocks to Cello Palette EQ. Even a pair of the classic Boston Acoustics Lynnfield that used to retail for US$4,500/pair. BTW, when you see the prices, US$1.00 = HK$7.80. Have fun.
Oh, click here to get to the "Virtual Elevator". "