2 mid-range subs or 1 high-end sub?



Audioholic Intern
I am starting to build a surround sound and need to make a decision on subs. I am trying to decide whether I should purchase one expensive sub or two subs that are each 1/2 the price of the one expensive sub. I know there are a lot of great internet direct places like Hsu and Emotiva but I am limiting my choices to what is easily available to me. So, I have looked at one Def. Tech. Supercube Reference ($1800, 14") or two REL-T2 ($800, 8") or Martin Logan Dynamo 700 ($700, 10") subs.

I know the benefits of having two subs, but I am afraid the REL or Martin Logan won't have the SPL or low extension of the def. tech.

Which way would you recommend?


Speaker of the House
Staff member
Is that all you have available to you? That is a pitiful selection to choose from. Don't you even have some Velodynes and Paradigms nearby that you can listen to?


Audioholic Ninja
I am starting to build a surround sound and need to make a decision on subs. I am trying to decide whether I should purchase one expensive sub or two subs that are each 1/2 the price of the one expensive sub. I know there are a lot of great internet direct places like Hsu and Emotiva but I am limiting my choices to what is easily available to me.

In that case, you should expect to pay extra for less performance. You left off SVS from your list of great subwoofers to buy online.

So, I have looked at one Def. Tech. Supercube Reference ($1800, 14") or two REL-T2 ($800, 8") or Martin Logan Dynamo 700 ($700, 10") subs.

I know the benefits of having two subs, but I am afraid the REL or Martin Logan won't have the SPL or low extension of the def. tech.

Which way would you recommend?

In general, given the fact that people often do upgrade in the future, I think it would be better to buy one great subwoofer than two lesser ones. That way, the upgrade path is simple and efficient: just buy a second subwoofer like the great one already purchased, and then one has two great subwoofers. If one buys two lesser subwoofers and then one decides to upgrade, the old subwoofers are going to be a loss, as resale value is much less than what you are likely to pay to get them in the first place, plus it is a hassle to sell off used gear.

But I recommend buying online from a company like SVS to maximize your bang for your buck.


Audioholic Field Marshall
I am starting to build a surround sound and need to make a decision on subs. I am trying to decide whether I should purchase one expensive sub or two subs that are each 1/2 the price of the one expensive sub. I know there are a lot of great internet direct places like Hsu and Emotiva but I am limiting my choices to what is easily available to me. So, I have looked at one Def. Tech. Supercube Reference ($1800, 14") or two REL-T2 ($800, 8") or Martin Logan Dynamo 700 ($700, 10") subs.

I know the benefits of having two subs, but I am afraid the REL or Martin Logan won't have the SPL or low extension of the def. tech.

Which way would you recommend?

Bismarck, just a suggestion my friend, I would take a look at two Epik Legend subs, I could not be more satisfied with mine, sealed two 12" drivers and 300 watt amp, $899 will get you a pair. Hope this helps.


Audioholic Ninja
What are the dimensions of your space? Of those options alone, I'd opt for the DT.


Audioholic Intern
Thank you for all of the responses.

I know that SVS is a much better bang for the buck, but maybe I should be more straight forward about why I am limiting my choices. At the risk of losing some respect, I currently work at a certain big box retailer (not Walmart) who happens so have a not so hot reputation (for valid reasons) among audiophiles. Because I work there, I am able to get a deal on the product lines carried. So, I am left with a partial REL, Martin Logan, and B&W line of subs and a full line of Def. Tech. subs.


Audioholic Intern
What are the dimensions of your space? Of those options alone, I'd opt for the DT.

In an apartment right now, but I will be moving into a home shortly. So, I do not know the dimensions yet, but I know the room will open. It will not be a closed off HT room. I would say a medium sized room.


Audioholic Ninja
With due respect, a good Internet Direct sub like an SVS will wipe the floor with brick and mortar subs costing 2-4 times as much...so even if you're getting a discount you're still not going to get the raw performance. Especially their new DSP subs.

I would seriously reconsider...for $1500 you could get a pair of Epik Empires or HSU VTF-15s... they'll likely wipe the floor with any of the subs you're looking at.


Audioholic Intern
I have never looked that closely at the internet direct dealers. I just looked at the SVS website and like how the actually put the frequency response on their website. The cylindrical subs look pretty nice.

In order to save some cash right now, especially because I am not in a house quite yet, I could go with a smaller sub like the REL T2. Something When I move into a house, I could purchase a larger internet direct sub.

I know ideally you would have 2 of the same subs, but could I properly setup and run a smaller sub like the REL T2 with a larger sub like the Single Empire or HSU VTF-15H?


Speaker of the House
Staff member
I would skip the REL sub for now, because even with an employee discount, it's still not competitive with internet direct subs. For much less than the REL's MSRP you could get a Elemental Designs A3-250, or a Epik Legend. For a bit more you can get a Hsu Research VTF2, or a Outlaw Audio LFM-1 Plus, or Elemental Designs A3-300. Any of those will absolutely clobber the REL sub while costing much less.


Audioholic Ninja
Closed box with heavy-duty 8” ULT active driver and 10” ULT passive radiator

Sounds like a great computer sub :p


Junior Audioholic
I would skip the REL sub for now, because even with an employee discount, it's still not competitive with internet direct subs. For much less than the REL's MSRP you could get a Elemental Designs A3-250, or a Epik Legend. For a bit more you can get a Hsu Research VTF2, or a Outlaw Audio LFM-1 Plus, or Elemental Designs A3-300. Any of those will absolutely clobber the REL sub while costing much less.

The percentage of cost savings off of those store brands doesn't mean anything. You'll get much better sound for LESS money from SVS/HSU/eD/Rhythmik. I have heard the REL's you speak of...(every REL sub I've heard has been depressingly mediocre for the atmospheric prices they charge). An SVS PB12 NSD (w/ the new DSP amp) or an eD A3-300 would embarrass the REL in output and extension and, due to the fact that they both have so much more headroom (and are operating squarely in their linear range), they'll have lower distortion.

The subs, price aside, are in different leagues in terms of sound quality, extension, and output.

I have a certain un-named 'box store' close to me with a section that also carries those brands and have listened a LOT to the DefTech subs. My eD A7s-450 clobbers two of them in a closed room less than half the size of my home listening room. It's better in accuracy and extension.

The guy got angry at me for running warble tones using my ipod going into the front ipod input of the demo receiver. He got pissed and asked me, "How the hell are you doing that!?" Clearly a knowledgeable salesman, he. ;)

The DefTechs struggled to give me much output at any volume below 25Hz in that room before they started to distort audibly and lose their composure. My A7s is flat to 25Hz at my house and is down 3-4dB at 20Hz and about 6dB at 16Hz...in a room roughly twice the size of the room at the 'box store', with a higher ceiling to boot. My A7s was cheaper than either of those DefTech subs...and we're not even talking sales tax yet. :/

There are plenty of people on this board, me included, who are confident that if you buy one of those store brands you will have buyer's remorse as soon as you hear an SVS/HSU/eD/Epik/Rhythmik.


Full Audioholic
Since you're wanting to buy on your employee discount, you should bite the bullet and swing for a descent i. ;-)


Audioholic Intern
Alright, after digging around online a little more, I think i will take your advise and just wait. My wife even said that if I am going to spend a bunch of money on a subwoofer, I better alteast get a really good one. So, now I can either save some money from waiting on a sub, or just spend more money on speakers :D

Thanks for the advise

  • RBHsound.com
  • BlueJeansCable.com
  • SVS Sound Subwoofers
  • Experience the Martin Logan Montis