Alright, no solution, yet. I played around with my Pioneer and Oppo and haven't been able to get it to display "xx kHz Stereo"...except when I switched the input on my receiver that I'm using for the Oppo to Analog (which wasn't connected), in which case it read "96 kHz Stereo." I think that I tried every possible output stream from the Oppo HDMI connection, as well as trying all of the Pioneer's input selection choices.
One note, though - make sure that the audio that you are playing is either 96 or 192 kHz. My SACD's were 88.2 kHz, and the first couple of DVD's that I tried were 48 kHz. I finally found one that's 96, but I haven't gotten that display message, yet. I'll try a bit more later.
If you select the "STATUS" button on your receiver's remote (after selecting the "RECEIVER" switch on it), it will cycle through some information. The sampling frequency of the audio currently playing will be the second thing it displays.