'anything bordering on sensitive issues' ??? Ryan, come on, you can do better than that !
Put it back in context, friend Mikado.
The issue, I suspect , is that you combined that with the suggestion it would somehow affect their job performance.
That's it.
If Shady wants to explain more, that's his prerogative... I'm only speculating.
I tried engaging with you about it in what I had hoped would be a positive and productive conversation.
Now, If you want to discuss LGBTQ issues and keep judgemental comments out of it, I'm certain it would be looked at differently. However, you're posing a false equivalency between discussing whether a trans athlete should be able to compete as their identified gender vs whether a person who is into drag can do their job.
Are you truly blind to that distinction, Mikado?
Again, my speculation, but there is a big difference between those examples which could make one a suitable thread, and the other not.
To your last point:
Remember this, no one is forced into these discussions
This is true, and the Forum as an entity still gets to draw the line as to whether a member can post stuff that steps over any line of propriety.
Here's a great example: My Dad is racist. I don't put up with it. He wants to drop the N-bomb and I look him straight in the eye and challenge him to do say that to his friend across the street who is black. He shuts up pretty fast. Now, if he posts that on FB, Twitter, this forum, etc, I would expect him to get slapped down by the mods.
Do you need me to connect the dots for you?