10" sub and 12" sub in same box.



I have a 2007 silverado crew cab, and I was wondering what u guys thought about this idea. I like to listen to all sorts of different music, rap, hip hop, country, rock, Ect. And I have the room under my rear seat to put some shallow subs. I was wondering if I was to put a 10" sub on one side and a 12" sub on the other if that would sound good. Now of course they will have separate compartments. But I was thinking I would get the best of both worlds, the 10" for the sharper bass in like rock music and the 12" for the deeper bass in rap music. I asked my buddy who is savvy with all this kind of stuff and he thought it would sound good, but wanted to know what u guys thought.


Audioholic General
Yes its possible bu youd want a low & high pass filter on the 10" so it plays in a narrow freq range. This way you dont overdrive it. Then youd want to have the 12" pickup where the 10" leaves off to handle the lows. Actually i would preffer an 8" & 12" combo if done this way. 8" hit tight & clean while 12" go nice & low.

I do
Something similar in my home theater. I use a mid-bass module (12") from 80-50hz & a 15" beast from 50hz & below!! Sounds great & each does what its best at. In a car your dealing with a smaller space than a house thats why i recommend the 8" & 12". Believe me a good 8" hits clean!!

Parts express has a great 8" by TangBand that gets amazing reviews. (W8-740P)
I have a Boston G210-4 in my vehicle. I really want to put 2 of these 8" in my F-150 though. They have good power handling & dual 8" can sound really musical.

Well i know this is a home theater forum but there are some guys on here that are knowlegable with car audio as well. Hope this helped ya!!

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