It's been a while since I've been very active here- small children kinda got in the way!! (Just had my second daughter 2 weeks ago)
I've been doing research on and off for the past 6 months on a variety of sites- this one, HTPC Assassin, AVS, and a variety of others. I think what I really need is some guidance. There's a bit of info overload out there (the first time I looked at HTPC Assassin I got a headache), and historically I've found Audioholics
to be one of the best places to have a conversation to filter through the flotsam.
I have a collection of somewhere in excess of 300 movies (let's say about 1/3 are BD), and I'd like to eliminate the need for discs altogether... as much as I love watching my 3 year old try to take them out of the case! Movie buying has slowed down significantly over the years (partly because there's less worth buying in my opinion), but when I do buy movies or tv shows (gotta love children's television!) in the going forward I plan to skip physical media altogether.
I'm looking for a bespoke solution- I'm starting from scratch and I have nothing tying me down to any particular hardware or software. I want this to be separate from anything I currently have. Given the multitude of devices I want to use with the HTPC, I believe PLEX makes the best sense for my software solution. I have no preferences towards hardware- I've been a Mac guy for a number of years, my gaming is limited to the PS3, but I'm an open book.
(FYI- I have some tinkering ability when it comes to PC building, but it's been a number of years since I completely ripped one apart and put it back together. I'm also slightly behind on lingo, but that's easily fixed)
Some of my key requirements/dreams: 1) Ability to store and playback DVDs, BDs, and digital downloads, 2) ability to stream multiple movies to multiple devices (ideally 3-5, 2 is acceptable) at the same time- understanding bandwidth limitations, 3) mobile connectivity through my iPad(s), 4) ideally (and I understand this may not be possible) the ability to store and then download a lower quality version to an iPad- would be nice to be able to easily swap out movies/shows for kids for long plane rides without having to permanently store on iPad, 5) future state- replace my DVR, 6) further future state- move all music to HTPC (less of a priority).
I understand this may be a lot, so I'm fine with limiting myself to #1-3 for the time being and improving later.
Budget- I'm looking to build for the long-term. Maybe physical media makes a huge comeback, but I think creating a digital solution for the future that can be upgraded over time is the best thing to do for now. I have the ability to spend $2500-3000 in the near term, but I consider that to be the ultimate system (it better have everything and also be good in bed

). More likely I expect to put in $1000-1500 to get some of the way there now and improve later. I'm not looking to be a spendthrift, but I see this as an investment for the future.
What I'd like from the community is a hard shove in a direction. Suggestions on a complete system would be great, or even just the best pieces that you've come across.