Impressions of Salk SongTowers



Audioholic Warlord

Then next year, it will be some Salk surround speakers.:D
Before I doing that, I'd have to wait 4 years for the center speaker to break-in :rolleyes:.

After looking at my initial post in this old thread, I realized the old photo link is no good.

Here is a working link with photos of my SongTowers when they were new. The veneer is Salk's standard curly cherry, clear-coated without any additional stain. Over the years the cherry has darkened some, but not as dark as those other medium-cherry cabinets shown in the photo.
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Audioholic Ninja
Nice - glad your finally got a center to match...

I couldn't wait that long, I was kinda suffering with my Salk SS M7's in the room - and using my Paradigm C3 CC which within a not so long period of time, really started to bother me - it was quite harsh in comparison to the certain gentle nature of the RAAL, I put in an order to Jim for a HT2-C to match my speaks. I just couldn't justify the size or cost of getting a SoundScape CC for that setup....

Both Dennis and Jim felt it would be a more then adequate match in SQ... I'm more then happy with the results... Just got it last week....


Audioholic Ninja
The other day, I finally ordered a SongCenter to go with my 4-year old SongTowers. My birthday is coming up, and my wife (innocently) asked what I'd like. My response was "I don't know". At the time, that was true :rolleyes:.

Later that same day, the answer hit me in the face. Jim Salk has some ST and SC cabinets, already veneered in cherry, waiting for buyers without the usual 2-month or longer wait. So I jumped on it.

This seemed like a perfect opportunity to shamelessly bump my favorite thread :D.
That's wonderful! Congratulations.


Audioholic Warlord
Nice - glad your finally got a center to match...

I couldn't wait that long, I was kinda suffering with my Salk SS M7's in the room - and using my Paradigm C3 CC which within a not so long period of time, really started to bother me - it was quite harsh in comparison to the certain gentle nature of the RAAL, I put in an order to Jim for a HT2-C to match my speaks. I just couldn't justify the size or cost of getting a SoundScape CC for that setup....

Both Dennis and Jim felt it would be a more then adequate match in SQ... I'm more then happy with the results... Just got it last week....
I had followed your M7 story. Glad to hear how much you like them.

Maybe you had an indirect influence on me to quit stalling and get my SongCenter already.

I agree that the HT2 center is a good choice for you.


Audioholic Warlord
Good things come to those who wait, right?:D

We all admire your patience. :D
Now that I have a shipping notice, it's getting harder to wait :rolleyes:.

Nov 10 – 3:59 PM – Picked up – LAKE ORION, MI
Nov 10 – 6:50 PM – Arrived at FedEx – LAKE ORION, MI
Nov 10 – 10:22 PM – Left FedEx origin – LAKE ORION, MI
Nov 11 – 2:11 AM – Arrived at FedEx – PERRYSBURG, OH
Nov 11 – 7:18 AM – Departed FedEx – PERRYSBURG, OH

Estimated delivery tomorrow, Nov 12th :D!


Full Audioholic
This thread helped my decision to purchase SongTowers + the matching center. Glad your wait is almost over!


Audioholic Warlord
This thread helped my decision to purchase SongTowers + the matching center. Glad your wait is almost over!
That's always nice to hear.

It does seem like I'll get the SongCenter today :D:

Nov 11 – 7:37 PM – Arrived at FedEx – HAGERSTOWN, MD
Nov 11 – 11:42 PM – Departed FedEx – HAGERSTOWN, MD
Nov 12 – 6:41 AM – At local FedEx facility – BELTSVILLE, MD
Nov 12 – 9:48 AM – On FedEx vehicle for delivery

The detail in FedEx package tracking can be fun, but wating… makes me feel like an impatient kid.

Some one asked about my photos, "Is that curly maple?". Not maple but curly cherry, clear coated with no additional stain. That veneer is a standard finish available at no extra cost.
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Audioholic Warlord
Nov 11 – 7:37 PM – Arrived at FedEx – HAGERSTOWN, MD
Nov 11 – 11:42 PM – Departed FedEx – HAGERSTOWN, MD
Nov 12 – 6:41 AM – At local FedEx facility – BELTSVILLE, MD
Nov 12 – 9:48 AM – On FedEx vehicle for delivery
Nov 12 – 11:57 AM – DELIVERED

That's pretty fast. Ordered on Nov 1st, and delivered today. The cabinets were already built and veneered. They were clear coated, assembled, packed & shipped out on Nov 10th. From pickup to delivery, shipping took less than 48 hours :D.

I've already unpacked and did a quick test. They seem fine. Now I have to pull out the TV, remove the old NHT SuperCenter, (dust things back there), put in the SongCenter & everything else back in.
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Audioholic Jedi
Nov 12 – 11:57 AM – DELIVERED

That's pretty fast. Ordered on Nov 1st, and delivered today. The cabinets were already built and veneered. They were clear coated, assembled, packed & shipped out on Nov 10th. From pickup to delivery, shipping took less than 48 hours :D.

I've already unpacked and did a quick test. They seem fine. Now I have to pull out the TV, remove the old NHT SuperCenter, (dust things back there), put in the SongCenter & everything else back in.
I bet your adrenaline is pumping right now. :D
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Audioholic Warlord
It's been a few months since I replaced my NHT SuperCenter speaker with a Salk SongCenter that matches my left & right SongTowers. The SongCenter should be an improvement over my old NHT SuperCenter. But how big an improvement?

Previously, I preferred listening to music with the STs only, and I used the NHT center speaker only for 5.1 movies.

It's been a few months with the new SongCenter, and I can confidently say that for movies it is an improvement over my previous NHT SuperCenter. The NHT was neutral in tone balance and was very good for voices. The new Salk is not significantly different in that regard, but the Salk has noticeably more dynamic range. It keeps dialog clear sounding over a wider range of volume. So in that sense, it does work better. It took watching a number of different movies before I was certain about that.

For music, so far I still think I prefer 2-channel over >2 channels, but that may vary with my mood and the choice of music. With the Salk SC I do find music in 5-channel or 3-channel (possible with my receiver) has more possibilities. The difference in 2-channel and >2 channel varies greatly with the recording. So any improvement with music while using the new SC is not as clear cut as with movies.

Nuance AH

Audioholic General
That's good stuff, Swerd. Thank you for the update. I sure do love my SongCenter too, even if it is a MTM design; a design that seems to be the center of ridicule by many HT enthusiasts (no pun intended).


Junior Audioholic
salk demo please!

hey salk owners - is there anyone within an hour or so drive from 06401 that would be willing to demo them for me? I'm probably only able to afford the salk song towers
if you are please reply to my post or inbox me thanks!



Audioholic Warlord
hey salk owners - is there anyone within an hour or so drive from 06401 that would be willing to demo them for me? I'm probably only able to afford the salk song towers
if you are please reply to my post or inbox me thanks!

If you look on the Salk Signature Sound forum on AudioCircles, you'll find two threads containing Owners Audition Lists. I looked quickly, but didn't find anyone listed in Connecticut.

You can also call or email Jim Salk directly, Contact Us, and ask him. He keeps a list of owners who are willing to demo their speakers.

I hope you can find someone nearby, these speakers are worth hearing.


Junior Audioholic

If you look on the Salk Signature Sound forum on AudioCircles, you'll find two threads containing Owners Audition Lists. I looked quickly, but didn't find anyone listed in Connecticut.

You can also call or email Jim Salk directly, Contact Us, and ask him. He keeps a list of owners who are willing to demo their speakers.

I hope you can find someone nearby, these speakers are worth hearing.
hey thanks for your reply :)
yeah i already left him a voicemail so we'll see what comes of it hopefully i can get a listen eventually.


Audioholic Slumlord
I hooked my newly acquired SongTowers up yesterday. They have the discontinued LCY ribbons. I'm in the middle of redoing the living room so I had my couch pushed way toward the front of the room and was able to move about the room freely as I listened to first Adele and later to Chris Isaac.

One thing I was easily able to observe is how rapidly the bass became more pronounced as I approached the back wall of the living room. I was actually pretty happy with that aspect of the SongTowers' frequency response just as I got to about where my listening position would normally be. Having all the furniture in place makes it difficult to notice this because you would have to walk around the coffee table and sit and recline on the couch. Taking two steps in a straight line is so much less complicated and then you can notice the differences in what you hear. So that's settled: bass response is largely room dependent and I am happy with it.

Adele has a nice voice with a little bit of a raspy edge. Hearing it on lesser offerings can be a little annoying. Hearing it on these STs gives her voice a realism and soul that I like a lot. Maybe I never really listened for it before but the back up vocalists on that tune sound great too. I honestly never thought about them before on the other speakers I heard it on. This isn't a fair comparison by any means.

I just popped that CD in again for fresh ideas on what to say. It was immediately time to dance. Another tune on that album I like is her cover of 311's Love Song. It starts with an easy acoustic guitar that sounds real ... what else can be said? It sounds like she and the guitar are in the room. The song picks up in complexity with added instruments. I like the song and I like the speakers so for me it's an amazing experience.

Chris Isaac's Heart Shaped World is a well recorded album and I believe him to be a fine vocalist. The bass while not exactly pronounced is present and healthy. These STs handle the bass, lead guitar and lead and back up vocals all at once without issue. I consider myself lucky to have them. I can thank KEW and Swerd for the privilege.

I took some pic's for this post trying to show just how nice a speaker this really is.

See those lines in the black part? Pretty snazzy, huh?

That grain, that plinth ... I really appreciate these speakers. :)

Oh yeah, I do have something to say regarding what I like about these speakers: as I move about the room while the music is playing the sound quality remains constant providing I stay off the back wall. Does that mean good dispersion? Wide sweet spot? All I know for sure is that I'm done with lesser speakers and maybe a little frightened of better ones.

I should have taken a shot of the flush mounted port too. The newer ones are surface mounted and that costs them a couple of points in refinement but of course that's in the back and never seen. While I love taking stuff apart these speakers are safe from my prying hands. I don't think I have anything to offer them.

Like I said, I just hooked them up yesterday so forgive me for gushing. My g/f who hasn't expressed any desire to hear them yet has expressed her delight in their appearance. I know the thread is about listening impressions but their looks are pertinent for men who are into women. :D


Audioholic Warlord
One thing I was easily able to observe is how rapidly the bass became more pronounced as I approached the back wall of the living room.
That seems to be common in rooms around the size of living rooms in most homes. Bass is heaviest near the back wall.

I assume you've been listening standing up, as your room isn't finished, and the furniture isn't in place yet. When you do sit down, your ears will be between the two woofers, and you'll be listening inside the "MTM plane". At first, you may think the bass doesn't sound as loud, or that the midrange and treble just got louder, making the speakers sound brighter overall.

Above the MTM plane, your ears are closer to the upper woofer and further from the lower one, causing sounds from one to be out of phase with the other, and cancel each other out. This is more prominent in upper midrange, making the speakers sound more bass heavy when you stand up. People often blame this on the lack of vertical dispersion by the tweeter, but most of the change you hear is below the 2500 Hz (2700 Hz?) crossover point. This is just one of the things MTM speakers do.

Thanks for posting your first impressions and the photos. I like how the cherry veneer looks against the red wall. I wouldn't have guessed that would work so well.

Here's a photo of one of them last month.



Audioholic Slumlord
I assume you've been listening standing up,
Standing, sitting, couch in the middle of the room, front of the room, back of the room, on axis, off axis ... between moving furniture around and shoveling snow I am exhausted! :D

Above the MTM plane, your ears are closer to the upper woofer and further from the lower one, causing sounds from one to be out of phase with the other, and cancel each other out. This is more prominent in upper midrange, making the speakers sound more bass heavy when you stand up. People often blame this on the lack of vertical dispersion by the tweeter, but most of the change you hear is below the 2500 Hz (2700 Hz?) crossover point. This is just one of the things MTM speakers do.
That's interesting. The difference I heard from sitting to standing was less pronounced than with my former Primus speakers. I might be able to identify what you described if I knew to listen for it but over the last couple of days I've been too busy just enjoying the music I was playing to really psychoanalyze what I was hearing. I'm not at a point where I get to choose between what I have and something that I would like better for more money. I'm at a point where I can't believe I got what I got for what I got it for and it's way better than what I had so my contentment is complete. Now had I Adam's money I would be looking at the higher hanging fruit ... couldn't resist. :D

One thing I'm really looking forward to is that center. Coming from the PC350 (that I wasn't crazy about) to a SongCenter with a ribbon ought to be huge. I heard it briefly at YAA's (fuzz's). His Phil3's in stereo sounded a bit better than when the SC was being used and that speaks volumes. We tested that out with Blue Man Group going from stereo to surround. Good ole Venus Hum has a great set of lungs with which to test out a center's abilities.

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