...Also the article stresses that one of the most common mistakes people make when piecing together a home theater is that they skimp on the subwoofer, and then the article recommends a seriously skimpy subwoofer. None of the alternatives are much better. I would also add that for not much more than the the price of the recommended surge strip, you could get a full fledged UPS from APC or Cyberpower with enough wattage output to protect several major home theater components from a sudden power outage, which is particularly nice to have for any projectors and HTPCs.
Actually, the recommended Pioneer subwoofer for this system is only $169, so the recommendation of one or two $500 subwoofers is a huge step up. Although Most AH forum members are bassaholics and consider $500 to be entry level, the general public considers that high-end. Most of the client's I work with end up asking why they even need a subwoofer or what is the smallest one they can get. The SB1000 is in the price range most people can be convinced to buy and small enough for the approval of a spouse. Sur, we could have recommended a giant sub for more money, but the person reading this article probably doesn't want a second coffee table. So, it may not be the system you would choose, but this article isn't geared towards the Audioholic.
As for a UPS, we have suggested those in other articles but we needed to keep within a budget. Also, the Panamax is better than most of the competition at the price. We chose it because of the automatic voltage monitoring (over and under voltage protection), isolated filter banks, coax protection, and spaced outlets. The voltage monitoring for sustained high or low voltage is something that most of the competition lacks.