I've been on a mission the past few weeks to consolidate, organize, and most importantly... use my media. (began in another thread about ripping cd's). This led to the an entire new endeavor to create a new home network and look into all the various options and methods of storage, use, and control.
Righ now, I have about 3TB's of music, movies, videos, and pictures. It's not consolidated and is currently on 3 drives... two of which are external USBs.
I've been looking at an NAS solution, but they seems expensive for what they are and I'm not sure what the differences/advantages are... which is why I probably don't appreciate the cost.
1) How does it differ from just having two or more multi-TB drives in my desktop?
2) ...or having say a 3 or 4 TB external drive plugged into the USB port on my router?
3) Are these solely for backup, or can they be used as the source for streaming data?
This is what I'm looking at now:
Iomega 4TB StorCenter ix2-200 Network Storage, Cloud Edition 35430 in Hard Drives | JR.com
I don't know if this is redundant to what I already have, or if this is really an NAS or just an external drive.
Thanks for the help.