CEDIA is always a fun place to watch the most expensive offerings pop up. It's geared towards "professional installers", also known as "people who are hired by really rich guys to install the most expensive gear in their homes regardless of price to performance ratio".
I recall trying to convince my bro to purchase dual SubM's or dual 18.0's from Funk vs the Sub2 from Paradigm. He just didn't care that he could get more performance for much less, he just wanted the Paradigm Signature brand, and their top of the line sub, "because I can".
Don't get me wrong, it's an incredible subwoofer, fit and finish second to none, gobs of output in a "small" form factor, etc. But for the $8k or whatever it was out the door ...
Oh, and he's already wondering when he should get the second. If only we all had these kinds of issues!