- many pro amps have audible fan noise - it's the immediate tradeoff for a 10000lb heatsink. This instantly disqualifies them unless they will be in a different room (not a common or practical scenario IMO). Not that CD players / toroidal transformers / the world / HVAC / fridge etc can't raise the noise floor in their own uniquely annoying ways, but it's counterproductive to replace a heatsink with an audible fan. For this reason only an "emergency fan" really seems appropriate for home usage. I'm not sure which ones qualify. Still, the ones that do qualify deserve consideration for home usage. It's my understanding that the Crown's Drivecore amps fit this criteria.
Funny that you should bring up fans, because I have been directly affected by this consideration - in home audio equipment.
One of my all-time favorite amplifiers, SQ-wise, were the Krell KMA100-MKII mono blocks. I picked up a mint pair at an estate sale in 1992 with the intention of reselling them at a profit to some audiophile with more money than sense. To test them for proper operation I put them into my system, and much to my surprise they sounded better to me, in that they were less fatiguing after an hour or so of listening, than my then-current solid state amp, so I kept them and sold the other amp! I bring this up because the Krells had single-speed, constant operation fans that were quite audible in my listening room. I'd probably still have those amps to this day if not for the fans, which on classical music became quite annoying over time, and I sold them.
Years later, looking for more powerful amplifiers due to a larger room and a system upgrade, I auditioned the Levinson 436 in my home. I insisted on an audition only because the 436s use fans, albeit variable speed, firmware-controlled fans, and I didn't want a repeat of the Krell annoyance. No matter how I stressed the system the 436 fans were completely unobtrusive, and I decided to pass on the 436s only because I couldn't bring myself to spend that much on amplifiers.
The bottom line is that while I agree fans can be annoying in a home environment I think you have to qualify the warning only to dumb, constant-speed fans. I think all of the latest Crowns, for example, use variable-speed fans.
Since the mid-1990s I've used Class AB solid-state amps with massive heat sinks, like my current ATI, and perhaps I'm just getting old, but I'd rather have a design with firmware-controlled, variable speed fans than 40 or 50 pounds of heat sinks.