Panasonic TC-P65VT50 vs TC-P65VT30?



Audioholic Ninja
It may not have been the box, actually. It might have been one of the stickers that came on the panel itself. I know it was written down on some material that came with the TV.


Full Audioholic
So, Johnny, You've had your TV for a bit now. Do you have any buyer's remorse at all? Is it all that you hoped it would be :)? I think I'm going to go for it. My againg eyes can't see the difference between VT50 and ST50, both are great sets. It isn't the night and day difference that the sales guys are telling me it is, surprisingly :rolleyes: .

In Bismarck, ND I am having a hard time locating someone who can do quality TV calibrations.


Audioholic Ninja
Buyer's remorse? Absolutely zero. It is night and day difference between my friend's S30 and the ST50. By contrast, the S30 is only a little bit better than my old Maxent MX-50X3 from 2006. The way it holds black levels with the lights on and windows open is amazing.

The only terrible thing about the TV is the speakers. I can't believe how bad they are. Not that I really use them for anything. The interface for watching and Netflix on the TV itself is better and more convenient than the HTPC. I might enable ARC but don't want the extra power consumption on the receiver.

Overall though it's incredibly impressive. Looking at the old sets, I feel that the ST50 is where budget-level plasmas have finally made a huge leap forward from the last 5 or so years of sets.


Audioholic General
I own a 3 year old TCP54V10 & I have been extremely happy with its performance!!! Yet this last week I hooked up a new TCP60GT50 for a customer of mine. I immediately changed it to THX mode & popped in a few blurays....STUNNING!!!!

I had to leave early do to something coming up so I didn't have time to setup the Custom mode, but since the panel needs 200hrs of burn-in before calibrating I wasn't too concerned. My customer was coming from a 65" Mitsubishi 720p rear-projection so his eyes popped out of his head & jaw dropped when he saw Cars on bluray!!!! :D Its always a blast to see those reactions. Even his wife who was at first a little on the fence about the buy was very impressed & happy about the purchase (specially since she is paralyzed & watches tv a good portion of the day)

The difference between my V10 & the new GT50 was noticable & makes me want to upgrade. Won't happen anytime soon but a guy can dream right!? If it were up to me I'd probably rather get a larger ST50 over a smaller VT50 but I would do my best to get a 65"VT50 haha!!

Just thought I'd share my experience!!!!


Audioholic Slumlord
It may not have been the box, actually. It might have been one of the stickers that came on the panel itself. I know it was written down on some material that came with the TV.
Actually you have good memory. It says 2500 FFD, right on the box.


Audioholic Ninja
Ah cool. I remember seeing it somewhere and thinking "what the heck is that?" :D


Full Audioholic
I have temporary IR issues with the plasma I have right now after a long gaming session but it rights itself after switching to some different content for about as long. I was careful with the one I have now for the first 200 hours and my IR issues always have been temporary so far. Should I be fine with either the ST50 or VT50 in this regard? I've read some people have some serious issues with IR on ST50 and VT50 but I think they just took it out of the box and watched baseball games on there for hours on end with stationary scorebars... when the TV was the most susceptible to it.

I plan to run DNice's slides for the first 200 hours and watching other content after applying his settings. This should tide me over until I can get a THX & ISF certified travelling calibrator up here to Bismarck, ND. I do like to crack out on some games for like 4-5 hours at a time some times.


Great sale at sears

Sears has the Panny VT50 on sale this wend- I picked up the 65 in for $2900 ( tax included)

Can't wait to have it calibrated!


Audioholic Slumlord
Just got the ST50 setup yesterday. Everything works as expected, the only negatives noticed so far are:

1) Not as bright as my Kuro Elite.
2) The clear plastic frame is distracted, probably need to get used to but YMMV.

I would not recommend this as a top choice for day time use in a bright environment, otherwise it is hard to beat for the price, but this is just my early impression.


Full Audioholic
Cutter, which sears? Our sears and online both say 3699, please give me stores phone number. Wanna buy today if thats right price.


Audioholic Overlord
Hey guys, I'm going to jump in here and cross-post from a discussion I have been having and see if one of you have a suggestion.

I almost pulled the trigger on the Sharp LC-70LE845U last night at Best Buy (coming from a Mitz 73" DLP with a bad light engine). Spent some time with the Magnolia rep and found out that his manager is being let go by BB next month and he has a great relationship with his manager. He said he would call me today when his manager gets in and that in all likely-hood, I would get an unbelievable deal just so the manager can stick it to corporate on his way out the door.

After reading more reviews on the Sharp and sleeping on it, I am a little scared of it. I think I am going to drop it from my list and pursue a deal on the 65" Panny GT50. I will be losing some real-estate but I think that's the best compromise in this case.



Audioholic Warlord
What do you guys think of the Panasonic VIERA TC-L42E50?


AV Rant Co-Host

what is your room lighting situation?

Truthfully, other than screen size, it all boils down to whether you have a dim/dark room or a normally lit to bright or sunlit room.

If you're ok with the smaller 65" screen size, the Panasonic plasmas are the best consumer displays on the market at the moment. They have the deepest black levels, pretty darn accurate color, perfect screen uniformity and perfect off-axis viewing. With the new louvre screen filter, they even perform pretty well under normal room lighting - but only in cases where the light source is overhead. So just keep that part in mind.

If you have a bright or sunlit room though, or you have normal room lighting, but it's coming from sources that are not strictly overhead, then a good, matte screen LCD is the better way to go, and Sharp is about the only option right now for very large LCD screen sizes with a matte (or at least semi-matte) screen surface!

If you are in a dim or dark room, there is no competition. The Sharp LCDs have lighter black levels, the odd bit of uneven or "blotchy" backlighting, and no matter what the lighting conditions are, the off-axis viewing is a lot poorer looking than a Panny plasma. But under bright or sunlit conditions, the matte-screen Sharp LCDs still retain their black levels better, reject the ambient light better, and you can really crank the light output on the Sharp LCDs if you want to, so they can overcome bright lighting far easier than the Panny plasmas.

Personally, I'm still a bigger fan of last year's LC-70LE735U (3D) and 734U (2D only) models vs. the 745U and 845U models of this year. That's all because the 734 & 735 models used full-array LED backlighting, rather than the edge-LED backlighting found in the 2012 models. The screen illumination was more even and the black levels were deeper on the full-array 2011 models. That said, the 73xU models did suffer from some banding and posterization (false contouring), which the 2012 models seem to have resolved. So it's all a matter of which picture artifacts you find most objectionable :p

I have a 60" Pioneer Kuro plasma and the 2011 70" Sharp LC-70LE735U. I use the Kuro only in dark conditions and pretty much only for Blu-ray movies. With those restrictions, it beats the pants off the LC-70LE735U. But I use the 735U for "lights on" TV viewing and for playing videogames as well as for any 3D content. Under those conditions, the LC-70LE735U actually looks better than the Kuro! With the lights on, the Kuro's super deep, beautiful, inky blacks turn grey and the picture looks washed out and dull. And the Kuro has a pretty good ambient light filter - about equal to the ST50 or GT50 Panny's of this year. So it's still pretty easy to make the plasmas look washed out, grey and dull with just normal room lighting. For 3D, being able to really crank out the brightness is a big plus since the 3D glasses cut about 60% of the light!

So the point is, both the Panny plasmas and the Sharp 70" LCDs have their strengths and weaknesses. It's really all just a matter of matching the right type of display to your lighting environment. I'll take the plasma in a dark theater every time. But under well-lit or especially sunlit conditions, I much prefer the black level retention and semi-matte screen of the Sharp 70" LED-LCD.

The good news is that these really are your two best options in displays right now. Samsung's up there too, but their plasmas definitely can't handle any amount of ambient light, and all of their LCDs have super glossy screens that render them unwatchable - at least to me :p I can't stand seeing my own reflection clrealy looking back at me from any dark portion of the image on screen ;)

So stick to either a Panny plasma or a Sharp 70". And just decide based on whether you typically watch with your room dim or dark - in which case, go Panny plasma - or if you watch in a well lit or sunlit room - in which case, go Sharp 70".

Easy :)


Full Audioholic

I'm in the market for a Panasonic VT50 if he needs anymore customers to help him stick it to the man :D

Private Message me for contact info.


Audioholic Overlord
My room is somewhat bright with the window shades up but most TV viewing is done at night with lights off. I have a Panny plasma in the bedroom which is lighter at all times and that display looks great. I even have a Panny plasma on my patio and watch it during daylight hours a lot. It is washed out but very watchable.

I can get the Panny for $2500 which seems way under the MSRP so I am thinking it's a go. I will decide for certain tomorrow.

Thank you so much for the detailed advice.


Audioholic Overlord

I'm in the market for a Panasonic VT50 if he needs anymore customers to help him stick it to the man :D

Private Message me for contact info.
Let me get my deal worked out first and then I will shoot you his info.


AV Rant Co-Host
i read that the st50 is better then the vt30.
Strictly in terms of black levels, yes. The ST50 has slightly deeper black levels than the VT30 from last year, which already has excellent, deep blacks.

Other than that ONE metric though, the ST50 is not better than the VT30. The VT30 has far more picture adjustment options so that it is possible to dial in a more accurate picture that more closely adheres to the industry standards for picture calibration. The VT30 handles 1080p/24 content better by offering a 96Hz refresh rate mode, rather than the flicker prone 48Hz mode of the lower ST and GT models or the judder that comes from using the 60Hz mode in any of them. And the VT30 offers finer color gradations for less of a chance of posterization or false contouring.

This year's VT50 is a step up in every way, so that's the best TV all around that is available at the moment. All of that said, the ST50 is a tremendous value! But I would not say it is "better" - certainly not in every way - as compared to last year's VT30. It's only the black levels ;)


Audioholic Overlord
I went with the GT50. I will have it in house tomorrow.

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