Official YouTube Thread



Senior Audioholic
this is so sad :(
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Audioholic Spartan
Mieders Alpine Coaster (with no brakes)

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Audioholic Jedi
Wow. I am not even sure what to say. There's a whole lot of stupid out there.

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Audioholic Jedi
Pretty crazy goal. Wait for it...

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Audioholic Ninja
Yet another Microsoft Surface tech demo.

Did I mention that it is crazy awesome? Well, see for yourself...

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Senior Audioholic
Ride a Shuttle Booster to the Edge of Space and Back

Saw this the other day and thought it was pretty cool, audio was mixed by Skywalker Sound.

"We’ve posted space shuttle launch videos in the past, but this one is different. It’s a video captured from cameras on board the space shuttle’s booster engines as it blasts off. You go from launch to the point that the boosters separate from the orbiter and continue their journey back to splash down.

The video is great, and edited nicely, but the sound is amazing. It was remixed and edited by the good folks at Skywalker Sound as part of the upcoming DVD called Special Edition Ascent: Commemorating Space Shuttle."

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Audioholic Jedi
I am impressed. Needs a little refinement (lots of open moving things that could cause injury), but the concept seems pretty sound. My grandmother is wheelchair bound because of Parkinson's and this probably isn't the device for her, but I still like that companies are working on stuff like this. Buddy of mine here at work crashed his bike last year and is partially paralyzed, so he might be a good candidate.

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Audioholic Spartan
I am impressed. Needs a little refinement (lots of open moving things that could cause injury), but the concept seems pretty sound. My grandmother is wheelchair bound because of Parkinson's and this probably isn't the device for her, but I still like that companies are working on stuff like this. Buddy of mine here at work crashed his bike last year and is partially paralyzed, so he might be a good candidate.

Interesting. I know nothing of wheel chairs and the like but this looks like something I would want if I was in that situation. I wonder what it costs...
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Audioholic Field Marshall
I'm confused, delighted, amused and inspired after watching this video.

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Audioholic Jedi
Imagine a squadron of these running over the hills towards you. Eeeee. :eek:

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Audioholic Jedi
Imagine a squadron of these running over the hills towards you. Eeeee. :eek:
Shouldn't have called it a Cheetah though, because it can't even keep up with a baby one. No spine means it probably won't ever be that fast either, but it is still very cool what they've done.

Saw this one a week or two ago and kinda surprised it hasn't shown up here. Now THIS is really sad :p :

I just want to slap her.
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