I was looking forward to this review of the new(-ish) Emotiva X-Ref sub since I haven't had a chance to hear one for myself yet. From the review, it appears to be similar to what I might have expected just based on the design. No denying the high value here, what with the DSP control making it virtually impossible to damage the sub with a high volume setting, keeping the distortion under control and even including 2 bands of PEQ! Gotta give big props for including all of that for a $600 price tag!
I'm a little bit disappointed to see such a steep roll off below around 30Hz though. Without knowing the exact design and without having heard one for myself, I was sort of expecting the typical 2nd order roll off on the bottom end. It looks as though Emotiva decided to extend the flat, linear response down to around 30Hz at the expense of the half-octave below that point, rather than just use the natural 2nd order roll off, but starting up around 40-50Hz somewhere. For folks who are more concerned about music than heavy-bass'd action movies, I have to say, that's probably a better design choice. There isn't a heck of a lot below 30Hz in most music, so it's great to be able to play down to 30Hz with nice, flat, linear, accurate response!
Looks, from the review, like this could be a good choice for many people who have smaller rooms and care more about music or just don't mind giving up that last half-octave of the deepest bass. Certain kudos are deserved for all the features and the performance that's offered in such a small box for such a small price.