Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Audioholic Jedi
There you go Adam. I know you don't have the balls to thank me there but you can thank me here for making your day there ... feel free, it's down on the right. :D
Huh? I was trying to lighten the mood, but you had to be all "I'll post first while Adam's trying to find that Funk Audio website." :mad: :D

Then I went into ABP and Custom Blocked the Tweet thing. I hope it's gone for good.
The button is actually still there, but you can't see it. If you run the cursor along the left hand side of the window, it should turn into a hand at some location. That's the hidden Tweet button. You can click there and bring up the link. If you're like me, though, the odds of hitting that button by accident are slim to none. I just like not having to look at it.


Audioholic Overlord
Maybe it's just me, but this guy sure thinks he's smart. Well, by that, I mean he's kind of a dillhole.
Don't get me started. If TLS tells you something about Audio it's the truth. I may not always follow his advice like I should, but he definitely knows what he's talking about.


Audioholic Jedi
Don't get me started. If TLS tells you something about Audio it's the truth. I may not always follow his advice like I should, but he definitely knows what he's talking about.
I'll disagree...maybe. It's not unprecedented for him to state that a type of product doesn't exist when that product is widely available, or to offer up a much more complicated and expensive solution than what is required. It just comes down to what he's familiar with.

Now, when it comes to his knowledge on speaker design, I have no idea.


Audioholic Jedi
Better now. It turned black:(, grew out:eek:, fell off:eek: and grew back;). It's all good.:D
Cool, glad it healed. I smashed a nail once when I was working out, and followed the same path. Learned my lesson, that's for sure. 12 ounces or less from that day on. :D


Audioholic Overlord
I'll disagree...maybe. It's not unprecedented for him to state that a type of product doesn't exist when that product is widely available, or to offer up a much more complicated and expensive solution than what is required. It just comes down to what he's familiar with.

Now, when it comes to his knowledge on speaker design, I have no idea.
He does offer overly expensive solutions in my experience. I can normally solve the problem for much cheaper, but he's also a retired doctor not saving for future children and paying off student loans. I go cheap.


Audioholic Spartan
I finally did a search for "vegan butter," and now I'm looking forward to checking if my store has Earth Balance products. They look pretty decent.
You just have to check out the Portlandia series.
You could donate money to save Colin.:D


Audioholic Slumlord
The button is actually still there, but you can't see it. If you run the cursor along the left hand side of the window, it should turn into a hand at some location. That's the hidden Tweet button. You can click there and bring up the link. If you're like me, though, the odds of hitting that button by accident are slim to none. I just like not having to look at it.
Oh, I see that now. I only allow the page temporarily for videos and can Forbid through NoScript but that's too much work. So long as the image stays gone I'm good. I like the banner adds at the top of the page though.I either have some of their products or want some. I'd like to see H/K and Infinity up there.

Don't be tellin' 'berian there ain't no all knowin' TLS right before the holidays.
What are you ... some kind of monster?

How come you don't do a DIY project? For the price of a now mismatched second sub you could build a couple of killer boxes and have them painted professionally to match your NHT's. There's plenty of good info about sealer in that one thread you started. I still look that up from time to time and lmao.


Audioholic Slumlord
I finally did a search for "vegan butter,"
You could donate money to save Colin.:D
With my dyslexia super powers I can see that a donation of vegan monkey butter is needed here.
I'm ready when you all are.

I thought a long time ago that vegan meant dairy because the animal didn't die. Then I heard it was no animal byproducts and now this? Ohhhh ... it's some kind of lame vegetable spread isn't it? Well, the monkey butter offer stands. :eek:


Audioholic Overlord
Don't be tellin' 'berian there ain't no all knowin' TLS right before the holidays.
What are you ... some kind of monster?
Karma's a ... I was the kid at the store that told the other kids Santa wasn't real. Crying insued and my mother got ugly looks. ;)


Audioholic Slumlord
It certainly might have, but that's vegetarian these days.
No dairy for vegetarians? F^%& it, I am eating the whole cow then! :mad:

They can keep the milk, cheese and butter ... unless of course I'm eating dessert.
That requires milk ... and coffee, that takes milk too.

The freakin' Dalai Lama eats meat. It's good for you!

I would recommend pumps with that gown though. Spikes can be a b!tch.


Audioholic Spartan
No dairy for vegetarians? F^%& it, I am eating the whole cow then! :mad:

They can keep the milk, cheese and butter ... unless of course I'm eating dessert.
That requires milk ... and coffee, that takes milk too.

The freakin' Dalai Lama eats meat. It's good for you!

I would recommend pumps with that gown though. Spikes can be a b!tch.
I don't think that you should eat anything that has a face.

So make sure that you have it's head chopped off before eating anything.


Audioholic Jedi
No dairy for vegetarians? F^%& it, I am eating the whole cow then! :mad:
Something is getting lost in translation - Google, brother. :) Vegans don't eat dairy, but vegetarians can. Vegetarians just don't eat meat.

Btw, I'm neither vegetarian or vegan. I am not buying dairy, though, for the reasons that most vegans won't. So, to find a non-dairy butter product, it's easier just to search for "vegan butter." I might eventually become a vegan, but I'm not there, yet.
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