It's decision time.
We've currently got a "both" plan with one DVD at a time and just started streaming. For $10/mo it's a no brainer. But for a bump of $8/mo for what I already have and, it's time to weigh things out.
I can't argue with the quality of getting a DVD in the mail. Great picture and sound , but it's a few days between movies.
As for streaming, I note that the selections there are quite limited but they do have a lot of TV programming, and that almost make it worthwhile. As for the quality, both video and audio (which is stereo), are not up to what one can get from a DVD. But, it's convenient and can break up a boring day and every so often they get a movie that interests me.
So, if one wants to save money and go for only one, that forces a choice: Convenience, with a loss of quality, or deal with waiting the mail for the good stuff one at a time.
Fortunately, we have a Blockbuster a block away that just dropped their prices to compete with Redbox, which is the same distance away in the other direction. ...and I could use the exercise.