The state of Arizona is trying to pass a bill to get a "state gun" in teh same vane as a state bird, lower, tree, etc. Being Canadian, I cannot fathom or understand the love affair with the gun. I'm not making any judgement calls. I just don't undersatnd it is all.
For some, gun rights is herd mentality and cult-like, with them chanting the mantra "The right to bear arms! The right to bear arms!" "They'll get my guns when they pry them from my cold, dead fingers". Ask them for the rest of the amendment's text and all you'll hear is crickets. For others, it's about not wanting the government to be in control of our lives. In many cases, America is/was about the individualist and people not wanting to be tightly controlled. If many of the first settlers had wanted to stay where people are oppressed, they would have stayed home. Some were sent here, so they didn't have much choice but they too, didn't like to follow rules.
People need rules and they just can't stop proving that on a minute-by-minute basis but 300 million people shouldn't have to be prohibited from protecting themselves because a tiny fraction can't stop shooting/robbing them. Without a way to make the playing field more even, criminals will have a field day because the police can't possibly stop that many crimes before they happen. The one thing that tips the field toward the criminals is the fact that they're more willing to pull the trigger than most and even with a gun, they can get what they want.
People want to go about their business without being attacked by criminals anad criminals are opportunists, preying on those whom they KNOW can't defend themselves. Some people are opposed to almost any kind of governmental impact on their daily lives but they're the minority because infrastructure needs to be built, borders need to be protected, deals with other countries need to be made and this isn't the Wild West, so people shouldn't take the law into their own hands. If the ACLU and others would let the system treat criminals like criminals, we wouldn't have as many repeat offenders for violent crimes. The law states restrictions for who can/can't buy a gun
legally. The problem is that broad gun control assumes everyone buys guns legally and that's now how it happens, so those of us who might want some kind of firearm are subject to harsher rules that only end up applying to us. People who don't want to wait until the background check is done probably don't want the gun(s) for protection, anyway. The guy on 'Sons of Guns' last night wanted a suppressed shotgun and when he heard that the background check can take up to 45 days, he was impatient and basically said "I need it now- have a nice day". There aren't many legal uses for a gun like that. He wants to kill some
one or some
thing. Poaching is one reason I can think of, if he's not going to kill people and if a game warden shows up, that's not off the table, either.