first of all i'd like to apologize for my atrocious english

, but i'll try to be clear.
i'm building a crossover for a 3-way loudspeaker. all the spearkers are from RCF, maybe most of you don't know what RCF is but those speakers sound wonderfully and the source is a NAD C375BEE.
i was wondering if with such a configuration the difference between a 12db crossover and a 24db one could be heard.
i saved money for a long time for this, so i think i'm building a 24 db crossover to avoid the problems with phase rotation and all that stuff, but i know that inductors and capacitors must have low tolerances.
are good MKP 5% (jantzen, mundorf) or MKT 5% caps enough for a 24db crossover?
should the tolerance be lower, like, don't know, 3%?