I would set your xover at 100hz and see how that works for you, but also you need to lower the gain on your sub, right now its 15db high compared to your mains if your looking to achieve a flat response...
Then you should see what the response looks like when your flat with the mains. From there you should approach EQ to get it as flat as possible. Then after that, adjust your gain to where you feel most comfortable, if its +10db, so be it, what ever makes your experience the best for you... Its all personal pref....
Keep in mind that the LFE channel supports material that runs up to 120hz.
I cross my subs at 120hz for the one behind the mains, 80hz for the two left and right of the LP and 60hz for the rear, but having 4 subs reduces localization to nothing...
Give the 100hz a shot and then take some measurements, should be not too bad for localization with a single sub... EQ to flat...