DO NOT BUY anything from AV123

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Jed M

Jed M

Full Audioholic
If they have to ask, they have even bigger issues than their precarious financial status, management shortcomings, dwindling product lines, indicted CEO, and forum that they've moderated into oblivion. If they have to ask, they don't even realize how completely they've screwed up.

Of course, I doubt they do really have to ask. As you said, arrogance is the more likely explanation.
I took it more or less as sarcastic, as in you twisted our arm until we did it so instead of being the professional company and just saying "per your request" or just leaving the reason blank they felt that they would stick one more jab to show they didn't appreciate my tactics. As if their behavior is/has been so commendable. If they had one shred of integrity the reason they left me should have been an apology for all the anger and mistrust they have caused our community and thanked me for being one of their best customers but as we know thats not going to happen from that group of thieves in Longmont. Instead I got the exact opposite, as I am obviously the prick in this situation. Honestly its so petty I didn't even mention it yesterday, but it gives you some insight to the "professionals" running that place.
Jed M

Jed M

Full Audioholic
Ahhh, so no money then. Just the goods. The judge I hope understood that the goods meant the right finish, A-stock, and all the parts. Am I correct in assuming that means ALL the speakers are to be delivered or did you accept any substitutions. Maybe one of them sexy Voltas!

Sean, was he wearing one of his infamous, expensive watches?
I can't speak for Sean, but I am pretty sure all he needs our the drivers and crossovers. I think they sent him empty cabinets a while ago but never followed up with the rest of the parts.


Junior Audioholic
Their attitude is sickening to me. When I finally got them to erase my account I tried to sign in to verify I was gone and the note they left on my reason for banishment is "I wonder why?". I just can't believe they would have the stones to be so smug like I am the one in the wrong here. Instead of just leaving it alone they had to take another shot. These guys have accepted zero responsibilty and just act like everybody else is in the wrong.

I wonder why :rolleyes:... what a bunch of arrogant a-holes.

Good luck getting the goods Sean.
I got the same thing as you Jed.They took their time on deleting my account as well,and was given the same bullshit reason on my banning there.Seems like they are using a blanket response to those who speak up against them.I haven't tried signing in,nor do I want to, even though they still owe me a $100 gift card from a contest they had.Fat chance of ever seeing that,and really wouldn't want the damn thing anyway.
I think they have to act like they are doing,if they expect to sell any thing else,and draw in new customers.They have to get new customers.They really have to get new blood in there cause most of the folks who was there has long since left or has been banned. It's the only way they will survive.I'm sure a couple of the old timers will hang on in hopes of better days,but,with the stench emanating from Long mount,they should just go ahead and bury it.


Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
I can't speak for Sean, but I am pretty sure all he needs our the drivers and crossovers. I think they sent him empty cabinets a while ago but never followed up with the rest of the parts.
IIRC, they were not only the wrong cabinets, but it would be kind to call them b-stock. If he's decided to keep the cabinets, then I guess he needs all the parts necessary (no bogus substituted crossover parts) including any fill, adhesives, no-rez, ports, and whatever else. I don't know what early May means, but May 7th I believe, Shifty has to go back before the judge. So, go buy one of his watches or woman's diamond rings. Help the poor soul out.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
Mac, if they owe you a $100 gift card and haven't sent it, have you considered contacting the consumer affairs section at the Colorado Attorney General's website?


Senior Audioholic
IIRC, they were not only the wrong cabinets, but it would be kind to call them b-stock. If he's decided to keep the cabinets, then I guess he needs all the parts necessary (no bogus substituted crossover parts) including any fill, adhesives, no-rez, ports, and whatever else. I don't know what early May means, but May 7th I believe, Shifty has to go back before the judge. So, go buy one of his watches or woman's diamond rings. Help the poor soul out.
Do you think Shifty would pick up the shipping tab on sending that piano out?


Junior Audioholic
Mac, if they owe you a $100 gift card and haven't sent it, have you considered contacting the consumer affairs section at the Colorado Attorney General's website?
I've thought about it,just to be added to the growing list,but haven't acted on it yet. Frankly they have nothing I would want to purchase,but would like to see them have to add mine to someone else tally so they could recoup a little extra when it filters down that far.


Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
A couple of phone calls, some forms to fill out and I would think after all this time they'd be obligated to send you the cash instead. If the check bounces, then you bring it to the attention of the Longmont police and they'll file criminal misdemeanor charges.


Junior Audioholic
A couple of phone calls, some forms to fill out and I would think after all this time they'd be obligated to send you the cash instead. If the check bounces, then you bring it to the attention of the Longmont police and they'll file criminal misdemeanor charges.
Cash was never part of it Chu,and was never promised,so I never expected to get actual money from them.However,according to a smart *** e-mail I just received from Kyle( according to him I am part of the in-crowd now since I post over here :rolleyes:) it's on their files..and I can either sell it or collect it from them.since I know how to contact them if I want it. So nice of him to write. Yea Right...............

If anyone wants a $100 Gift Card from AV123 for a penny,PM me and it's yours,and hopefully you can sell what ever you buy from them and give the proceeds to one of the underfunded charities, that is of course you have to go out and buy expensive cars,watches,homes, or support a Russian mistress,or even put you grand kid through dance lessons and such then by all means feel free to use that money for your own good :p


Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
Gee, I used to feel sorry for Kyle. Well, I'm over that and now he's back to being Field Marshal Steidle. I'm pretty sure that if you've got a gift card, you should be able to redeem it after all these years or if not, buy the cheapest thing you can and take the rest as money. What you do with the money is up to you.


Senior Audioholic
However,according to a smart *** e-mail I just received from Kyle( according to him I am part of the in-crowd now since I post over here :rolleyes:) it's on their files.
Well, if you only had what ... a few speakers to sell and a bunch of people so frustrated with the MFW-15s that they refuse to call in for service, then watching the activities on this forum might be pretty exciting.

It's kind of sad that Kyle has to get educated this way on how the owner of VA321 rolls, but at least he's getting educated. Obviously, he's still oblivious to all that's going on and happening, so in the end - he can't say he wasn't informed. :rolleyes:

[Edit]: Kyle, since you're spending so much time over here reading these forums, how about honoring my request to have my ID (wje) and all associated posts (3,300+) removed from your forum? I used to be a jovial contributor to the forums at VA321 until the milk started to get sour. Thank you !!


Audioholic Ninja
If the milk turns out to be sour, I ain't the kinda pussy to drink it.


Full Audioholic
However,according to a smart *** e-mail I just received from Kyle( according to him I am part of the in-crowd now since I post over here :rolleyes:) it's on their files..and I can either sell it or collect it from them.since I know how to contact them if I want it. So nice of him to write. Yea Right...............
Not only are you one of the cool kids now, but you even get snide emails from Kyle still! I haven't had any of those since last September - you're clearly cooler than me! :)

The Ninja

Audioholic Intern
I'm still going to ask for $950 + court fees (It is in my initiation action) for my time. I've got untold hours into compiling information - years worth of stuff.

The judge was very adamant that I am to inspect everything before I accept it. The real bummer is the Pali Natural I am supposed to get isn't made anymore. I have to accept whatever they have in stock that is in A condition. I think that is only rosewood...


Ahhh, so no money then. Just the goods. The judge I hope understood that the goods meant the right finish, A-stock, and all the parts. Am I correct in assuming that means ALL the speakers are to be delivered or did you accept any substitutions. Maybe one of them sexy Voltas!

Sean, was he wearing one of his infamous, expensive watches?

The Ninja

Audioholic Intern
4pcs Crossover Boards with components
Line Source OCC wiring (not the Onix IT-001 wire) for 4 speakers
Dampening for all 4 speakers (NoRez) 16 Sheets (Danny says it takes 8 sheets per pair)
Poly Fill for 4 speakers (we received 1 sm box 8”x15”x18” which is not enough)
2pcs Rosewood Satin ‘trap door’ and screws
16pcs woofers
12pcs tweeters
4pcs port connecting collar
336pcs driver screws
1 set of Palisander Natural cabinets that are A stock.

I can't speak for Sean, but I am pretty sure all he needs our the drivers and crossovers. I think they sent him empty cabinets a while ago but never followed up with the rest of the parts.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
Sean, who from AV123 showed up at the courthouse?
Absolutely!! Also,

  • was he acting all sick like?
  • what kind of watch was he wearing?
  • was this before the magistrate or was there an arbitrator?
  • did he act all nice and stuff?
  • in the end, is this a suit against MLS or MLS as a representative of the company?
I wonder if he'd like a DSMB bumper sticker or fridge magnet? If I can find the time, I'll make you a tshirt with the posterized MLS mugshot so's you can wear it to the trial!

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
Something to keep in mind, folks

What Sean did was not the easiest thing in the world. It's one thing to have lawyers or the Attorney General's office do the fighting for you. Sean had to stand up and come face to face with MLS. Let's not forget that Sean worked for the guy for a number of years. I'm sure there was even a time Sean felt they transcended the boss/employer relationship to something bordering on a type of friendship. Having to face that person in a courtroom wasn't easy for Sean because he had to deal with a wealth of conflicting emotions and realities. In a way, it's like a person confronting their abuser who happens to be someone they know.

Sean after all, is a decent human being. He doesn't go around stabbing people in the back. He doesn't screw his customers or suppliers. He doesn't buy fur coats or pay for boob jobs for Ms. Khabarovsk. He makes his living honestly.

What Sean did took guts. He manned up bigtime. He's also shown people that if you've got the facts on your side, you too can win. So, if any of you have something coming to you, take a page out of Sean's book and try and do something about it. MLS is just a man not some invincible person. He can be beat. The Longmont police showed us that. The AG showed us that. Jongaro showed us that. So did candyman. Now Sean is showing you that. Whittle the bastard down.

And Sean, I tip my hat to you (Celtics hat cuz I have hopes!).



Audioholic Chief
4pcs Crossover Boards with components
Line Source OCC wiring (not the Onix IT-001 wire) for 4 speakers
Dampening for all 4 speakers (NoRez) 16 Sheets (Danny says it takes 8 sheets per pair)
Poly Fill for 4 speakers (we received 1 sm box 8”x15”x18” which is not enough)
2pcs Rosewood Satin ‘trap door’ and screws
16pcs woofers
12pcs tweeters
4pcs port connecting collar
336pcs driver screws
1 set of Palisander Natural cabinets that are A stock.
Sean, if you don't mind me asking (or if i missed it in this GIANT thread, i apologize), but how did you come to be owed such goods? Did you buy them and get stiffed? Or was it something else entirely? (i'd thought i read they didn't pay you for work done or sales made or something, but there's so much speculation out there...)
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