End of the line for IBM's Cell what does this mean for the PS3



Audioholic Slumlord
My 2c - about nothing at all, since all IBM said - their discontinuing Cell processor development, but the research of it's architecture.
I'd expect next ps3 to be based on new and redesigned cell chip, based on newer architecture, but still sharing same principles as Cell.

Bear in mind typical CPU architecture [major part of it] doesn't get changed in YEARS !! Examples: latest the greatest Intel CPU today: Core i7-980X aka Core i9 is basically still based on Centrino Banias processor architecture Intel first made in 2004 - this is Ice Age dawn in microprocessors time frame.


Audioholic Samurai
I don't see a new generation of the PS3 coming out if Sony does things the way it has done it in the past. History time!

Sept. 1995 PlayStation is launched in the U.S.
Jul. 2000 PS One is launched
Oct. 2000 PS2 is launched
Oct. 2004 PS2 Slim is launched
Nov. 2006 PS3 is launched
Sept. 2009 PS3 slim is launched

If you look at this info every time Sony has put out a Slim version of the original console a new system was not to far behind. So could we see PS4 in let's say 2 years kinda looks that way. Finding this article makes more likely that it may happen sooner than 2 years.IMO


Audioholic Slumlord
I meant to be used in next one (obviously current production will continue as needed)

Well, Let me use my magical powers of future predictions and rub my crystal ball....

hmmm.... [staring into the ball]

OOO !!! I See IT !!!
I saw the name of next playstaion !!!

it's .... [drum roll] - PS4 !! :D


Audioholic Samurai
It must take a whole team from Sony months to come up with a name for a console.:rolleyes: And you go and ruin the surprise before the next E3.:D


Full Audioholic
They better name it something better than "Ps4" or I'm not buying it, this title thing is just getting old. There's not even any code names... I remember when GameCube was coming out they nicknamed it project Dolphin. I think the Ps4 should be called "Waste of money because there's only 20 games for the Ps3 already, so what can you expect from something more expensive" ;)


Audioholic Samurai
I know what you mean ,but let's be honest the PS3 has a lot more titles than that, I think they have 15 top rated of 8.5 and over but remember Xbox had a 2 year head start and game developers didn't want to deal with making games for blu-ray not like they are going to have a choice now. The next batch of consoles will be blu-ray, I remember when Nintendo had a problem with but games on discs and look at them now. Whether good or bad Sony has been ahead of the curve in game console technology.


Full Audioholic
I think discs will disapear as well. This seems evident with the new PSPGO where you are intended to download and store the games. I remember when Ps3 was Supposed to have a system where the games were 'disposable" where you'd put them in the system, install it and that's all you needed the disc for. I remember the first videogame system I had with discs was a 3DO and the graphics were pretty good for such an early thing. The games were terrible though and the controllers made me squirm they were awful.


Audioholic Samurai
If Sony goes down that road I'm done with them,I thought about getting a PSP GO but that was one reason that keep me from buying it I'll stick with my PSP3000. Toshiba Regza line are using this processor as well, it looks like there will be sale on Toshiba Regza's now. IBM is said to have a new hybrid processor in the works and maybe that is what will end up in the new PS4, or if they start rolling out this chip on time there could be another generation of the PS3.
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Audioholic Samurai
PS4 so soon? That would be cool... assuming they make another big leap in game / graphics technology. If Uncharted 2 is so incredible, imagine Uncharted 3 or 4 on PS4. :) The best examples of games should start to look rather close to live film, I would hope... or do I have to wait for PS5?



Audioholic Samurai
I have a theory, each PS console has a production life of 10 years PS1 stopped production in 2006 the PS2 in 2010 I have a feeling that Sony will offer some type of firmware update for the PS3 so you can play PS2 games on the current generations of PS3's, the reason for this theory is production of the PS2 will end in 2010 and the fact that PS2's are still selling better than PS3's and also there is a download available on PSN store that allows you to save PS2 games on the PS3's HDD.
Chopper Greg

Chopper Greg

They better name it something better than "Ps4" or I'm not buying it, this title thing is just getting old. There's not even any code names... I remember when GameCube was coming out they nicknamed it project Dolphin. I think the Ps4 should be called "Waste of money because there's only 20 games for the Ps3 already, so what can you expect from something more expensive" ;)
Real backwards compatibility?

The ability to play games from other systems?


Full Audioholic
I seriously hope to god that the next gen won't be out in the next to years. With each new system development of games cost more, and now that these ones have been around for a while and are used to them it is a lot easier to crank out games. Thus why the early years of the PS3 kinda sucked but why there are a ton of great games now. And seriously, I think we have hit a point where I don't really care for a graphics upgrade anymore, I mean I will always take better graphics, but I think we are starting to level off in the graphics department. And besides, Art Direction is way more important than graphics.


Audioholic Samurai
I seriously hope to god that the next gen won't be out in the next to years. With each new system development of games cost more, and now that these ones have been around for a while and are used to them it is a lot easier to crank out games. Thus why the early years of the PS3 kinda sucked but why there are a ton of great games now. And seriously, I think we have hit a point where I don't really care for a graphics upgrade anymore, I mean I will always take better graphics, but I think we are starting to level off in the graphics department. And besides, Art Direction is way more important than graphics.
Please forgive any mistakes I make I'm using the PS3 to write this. If Sony stays true to form we will see a new console in 2 yrs. I hope they don't and improve upon the PS3.


Audioholic Samurai
And besides, Art Direction is way more important than graphics.

The team of artists is far more important than the graphics now days. Uncharted 2 is kickass because it had great concept art, which made great environments, and that's what makes the game cool (imo)


Audioholic General
My 2c - about nothing at all, since all IBM said - their discontinuing Cell processor development, but the research of it's architecture.
I'd expect next ps3 to be based on new and redesigned cell chip, based on newer architecture, but still sharing same principles as Cell.

Bear in mind typical CPU architecture [major part of it] doesn't get changed in YEARS !! Examples: latest the greatest Intel CPU today: Core i7-980X aka Core i9 is basically still based on Centrino Banias processor architecture Intel first made in 2004 - this is Ice Age dawn in microprocessors time frame.
Actually, IBM's research is about 10 years ahead of the current time curve. They have already developed the replacement cell processore and possibly even it's replacement. My most enlighting time was participating in an IBM future's group in the mainframe GUIDE and SHARE days when I found out about the first IBM PC some 5 years before it was released to the public.
I would bet that the processor for the PS5 has already gone through Alpha and Beta testing. --- The PS4 is a given ;)

Peace and Good Sound !

Forest Man


Audioholic Jedi
I used to believe that they had future processors already finished until everyone hit the 3GHz wall. Maybe it was all a big scam, but I'm guessing that Intel and AMD keep each other relatively honest. Maybe not...

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