As mentioned in the other thread, I am agnostic and think everyone has a right to state their opinion but on the flip side be prepared to reap what you sow. I find it amazing that those with high moral ground forget the teachings of the good book and to love thy neighbor, do ontu others and most importment, (Mat 7:1) Judge not, Lest ye be judged, but guess since he was without sin he got to be the one to cast that first stone.
As an agnostic, who has read the bible several times, I judge people on their personality, on the good deeds they do, not their occupation, sexual orientation or their political beliefs, why? CAUSE IT'S NONE OF MY DAMN BUSINESS. I have friends who are drug users, drug addicts, was engaged to an alcoholic at one time and know plenty of strippers who are some of the most caring and giving people than those who preach from on high and judge others.
I always find it humerous how those who are most religious are the ones who judge people the most and are just plain mean. I got shyt canned from a job because two supervisors who were born again Christians thought I was evil because I was living in sin with my GF. I always thought it funny because the good Lord sure wouldn't look favorably on what they said and did to others. But hey different strokes right.
You want to be a judgemental bible thumping higher than though doucher, that's fine with me, I drink, fornicate in sin (often
) and have many friends who are gay, drunk at this very second or snorting blow, you know what I would rather hang with them no matter what their hang ups because I know they are good people, they aren't robbing, raping and stealing. They work hard and what they want to do to relax is up to them, I choose not to indulge and they respect that, and I respect the fact that they have always been with me when I needed a hand moving, needed a friend to talk to or just needed a friend to hang out with. I could care less if they were millionares (some of them are) or living in a van (one of my friends is). I'd invite any of them into my home and would never judge them.
Life is far too short to be a doucher and only one ominous deity has the right to judge and if he exists (and I sure hope he does) then when he looks at my life, he will see that I was a friend to all, no matter what their status in life, I could be friends with a girl who flashed for cash or toss down a brew or two with a guy who sleeps with other guys, hey what he does in his own home is his own business and surely not mine.
Heck my nephew is gay and I tell him homo jokes all the time and he laughs his arse off every time. Guy is just cool to hang out with (even his partner),
I have one thing to say to our friend if he is browsing this site after the ban. Dude relax, don't judge people because that person you shun today maybe the same one saving your life tomorrow. Working in a Cath Lab and Pathology for over 20 years I have seen death up close and personal and the one thing I do know is that life is way too short to hate so many because of the decisions they make.
Enjoy life, smile and welcome all into your life, you may find that being friendly will garner you more rewards than to be judgemental.