RS didn't have 600V.D.C. caps and nobody knew how to convert .1 MFD into funny looking (u)F.
But I bought their version of fader lube and electronics cleaner.
I love chemicals and I'll go to my electronics store tomorrow as they were closed today.
The phone call I made to find a Rat Shack down in Cranston resulted in this being given to me:
While I was already bringing stuff into the house from the car I decided to drag this up here too:
That's another item from Walter. Poor guy felt so bad I had to call him and hold his hand a little ...
I tried telling him that I like taking stuff apart to begin with and I'll say that the AR XB Model seems like a
way better TT than the American DJ with that cheesy plastic platter. I need Chris to tell me if the American DJ is a record eater.
I'm not a mooch and I love to pay what is asked of me but this free stuff is
like dropping from audio heaven ... Dave and Mtry.
I'll try to love up the XB tomorrow and we'll see.