It's not free. It's wealth redistribution. And it was supported by Palin. I didn't see Bush, McCain, Obama, or Hillary opposing it either; nor did any of the conservative talking heads argue against it that I saw.
Which current plan? I've not seen a 40% number anywhere.
Is no-deductable and no-co-pay actually a good thing? It seems to encourage unneccessairy treatment.
Also, the plan I've seen sets the minimum for "gold plated" for family coverage at $21k/year.
$12k a year for no co-pay, no deductable, unlimited coverage? I must admit I'm a bit incredulious. That's shockingly cheap!
No one with employer-provided healthcare pays for their own plan... well, at least not all of it.
Here's an article opposing one of the more severe proposals on gold-plated plans. You'll notice it's not 40%, and the minimum is no where near $12k for a family.