Where do you store them all? How do you find anything in that collection?
That's a pretty good question. I've been seriously contemplating to store them all into a jukebox computer. As it is now, they are all over the place.
Most of them are in a small room, few more are in my bedroom, and the rest are in the livingroom. But all of these three rooms, they are still at different places; drawers (severals) large bookcases (few of them with double layers, so you cannot see the titles behind the first layer), more and more drayers, so many of them that I don't have any more room for my socks, pants and few more clothing items, and absolutely not all the blankets for the beds.
So, much of my clothing is piled on top of each other on chairs, extra sofas, etc., even inside speaker's boxes and on top og them. My place is pack jam from floor to ceiling. The living room is so fill with Blu-Rays, DVDs, CDs, SACDs and DVD-Audios that it becomes a natural room treatment. If I'm looking for a particular title on DVD, just forget it, it's an operation that can take more than half hour, or even more!
People that comes to my place and never saw it before, are freaking out! Literally! And me too, almost every day. Guess where my computer is?
No, no, not in the bathroom! Yes, you guess it, in the kitchen table; so I always eat standing up! Believe me, it's the honest true!
Don't forget too, that I also owns about 3,000 CDs+ on top of all that sh** load of DVDs. It will take me almost 10 years, watching one movie every day non-stop per day! Or 5 years for 2 movies per day (about 4 hours more or less).
There is over 600 Blu-Rays on top of that and 200+ HD DVDs.
What do you think my wife thinks of all that??? Don't ask! She's listening to what I'm saying to you.
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