Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Jedi
Hey, Adam. If you can throw down about 281 more posts tonight, you'll hit an average of one post per day. Boolya.

Or, take it easy tonight, and put up 282 tomorrow. :D


Audioholic Ninja
Hey, Adam. If you can throw down about 281 more posts tonight, you'll hit an average of one post per day. Boolya.

Or, take it easy tonight, and put up 282 tomorrow. :D
I only have 20 minutes.. I'm not gonna make it. I might hit "general" by the end of the week though...


Audioholic Ninja
I'm trying to decide if I want anything else to eat tonight...


Audioholic Jedi
I layed down on the floor last night and just zonked out. No nightmares, either. :)
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
I layed down on the floor last night and just zonked out. No nightmares, either. :)
Adam is your pooch posting for you again? Ahh I finally see how you are able to be here so much! You and Niki split the time.:eek::D


Audioholic Samurai
I layed down on the floor last night and just zonked out. No nightmares, either. :)
I sleep in my bed, but I'm most comfortible on the floor.

You get nightmares? I don't really get nightmares but sometimes I have out of body experiences... which I guess are just dreams, but its where my eyes wake up but I can't move my body. It used to scare me as a kid, not I'm kind of used to them. I can stare at my alarm unable to move, but then when it goes off I will wake up. I'm not sure if its just a reoccuring dream or if its just my brain waking up before my body. Had it since I was little though.


Audioholic Jedi
I sleep in my bed, but I'm most comfortible on the floor.
Is it for your back, or do you just like it better there? I don't do it for my back, but people ask me if I do whenever I mention that I sleep on the floor. I'm just being a parrot now. :)

You get nightmares?
Sometimes. Stuff like my internet is down and I can't read this thread. :p

Nah. I was just referring to some posts from earlier in the evening about either Lindsay Lohan's hairy and fanged breasts eating me alive or running into sleestacks. :D


Audioholic Spartan
I just envisioned throwing up on her, then slowly licking it off the glistening mat of chest hair.
I think you may need to talk to a shrink.:eek:
How does that make you feel?


Audioholic Jedi
I think you may need to talk to a shrink.:eek:
How does that make you feel?
I don't have much confidence that they could quiet down those thoughts. After all, they didn't have any luck with the voices.
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