I see it another way. They realized the mistake, corrected it, and gave a courtesy call so that he would know why there was a 29 cent transaction on his record. People that work at banks are still people. I worked at a bank. Okay, some would argue that I'm a robot, but my point stands.
It just doesn't make sense to me...
Okay, I go into a bank... I want to withdraw 278 dollars from my account.
I give the teller the slip that indicates my name, my bank account number, and the exact amount of money that I wish to receive from my account.
The tellers gives me my money, and I leave.
I get home, only to realize that there is 280 dollars in my pocket. I didn't ask for the money... nor was I the one responsible for the two extra dollars. My transaction slip indicated a 278 withdrawl... it is obviously the tellers fault.
If they were to call me and say that they took two dollars from my account, because of the extra money that was given to me... I would be furious! I didn't write a slip stating that I want 2 dollars taken from my account... I didn't authorize it! I would gladly give them the two dollars back... but to just take the money out of my account - because the teller made a mistake?! It's not MY responsibility to cover someone else's mistake... especially in regards to your bank account. I would think it's the exact reason that they count out the money right in front of you - to insure that these mistakes don't happen. But if they do... it's not my problem, it's the banks problem.
It may seem a little jerk-ish, but if they can just decide to withdraw 29 cents from someones account because the teller gave out too much change, that just seems wrong to me. They should have either left a message and told him to call back and authorize the transaction, or asked him to return with the 29 cents.
I guess I just don't like the idea of people messing around with my money...